yo mama jokes dirty best

Yo mama jokes dirty best

Hightlights from around the web! Check in daily for more hilarious content. Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, "I need your weight not your phone number. Yo momma is so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing, yo mama jokes dirty best.

View in gallery. Along with knock-knock jokes , yo mama jokes are a rite of passage that has to be traveled. For some that road is short, for others, it is a humor-filled goldmine that needs full exploration. First, you have knock-knock jokes and then you have the always-worth-a-groan selection of dad jokes. Following that, you hit adolescence and discover insult humor. The wonderful world that is filled with innuendo and rudeness.

Yo mama jokes dirty best


How Dangerous is School? Yo Mama So Old Jokes. Yo mama so ugly that she disintegrated the Universe with her looks.


View in gallery. Along with knock-knock jokes , yo mama jokes are a rite of passage that has to be traveled. For some that road is short, for others, it is a humor-filled goldmine that needs full exploration. First, you have knock-knock jokes and then you have the always-worth-a-groan selection of dad jokes. Following that, you hit adolescence and discover insult humor. The wonderful world that is filled with innuendo and rudeness. At the top of that list sits yo mama jokes. They offer a fantastic double punch that goes right for the jugular and almost always hits the mark. But at the same time, you want to evoke laughter as a reaction rather than anger, so read the room and tailor your delivery.

Yo mama jokes dirty best

This article may contain affiliate links. One of the ultimate insults, is making fun of your opponent's mother. So, it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Here are some funny Yo Mama Jokes that will have everyone laughing. Here are the funniest Your Mama Jokes of all time. Hopefully these Mom jokes helped. What did you think about our collection of Yo Mama Jokes? Did we not include one of your favorites? Please let us know in the comments. Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business.

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Yo mama so dumb she cooks her own complimentary breakfast. Combining age and insult humor together is a guaranteed way to get some laughs while making your target squirm. The sky really is the limit, and this is demonstrated in the following collection of funny yo mama jokes: View in gallery Learn more about TheCoolist's Editorial Process. Yo mama so hairy when you were born you got a carpet burn. For some that road is short, for others, it is a humor-filled goldmine that needs full exploration. Yo momma is so fat that when she went to the beach a whale swam up and sang, "We are family, even though you're fatter than me. I would like to join the exclusive Laugh Factory Members Club. Buy Now. Yo mama so ugly her birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory. Yo momma's so fat and old when God said, "Let there be light," he asked your mother to move out of the way. Yo mama so ugly when she went to a haunted house she came out with a job application.

Interestingly, You might be smarter than you think if you enjoy these kinds of jokes. This is all about exploring how rude humor can actually show how smart we are. The insults can cover various topics, like promiscuity, weight, height, and many others.

Yo momma so ugly even hello kitty said goodbye! Buy Now. Remember me. Some might say that yo mama jokes are cheap humor, but to many young adults and even well-humored moms , they are comedy gold. We help curate your cool through deep dives into topics of self-actualization, lifestyle, and interpersonal intelligence. Yo mama so ugly when she went to a haunted house she came out with a job application. Yo mama so fat that when she fell over, she rocked herself asleep trying to get up! Yo momma so dumb She went to the movies and it said under 17 free So went back and got 16 of her friends. Break them out when needed, but as always, watch out for the retaliation. Yo mama so fat , that when she hauls ass it takes her two trips.

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