Vhs tape brands

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Vhs tape brands

It was the dominant home video format throughout the tape media period in the s and s. Magnetic tape video recording was adopted by the television industry in the s in the form of the first commercialized video tape recorders VTRs , but the devices were expensive and used only in professional environments. In the s, videotape technology became affordable for home use and widespread adoption of videocassette recorders VCRs began; [5] the VHS became the most popular media format for VCRs as it would win the "format war" against Betamax backed by Sony [6] and a number of other competing tape standards. The cassettes themselves use a 0. The popularity of VHS was intertwined with the rise of the video rental market, [8] with films being released on pre-recorded videotapes for home viewing. Kenjiro Takayanagi , a television broadcasting pioneer then working for JVC as its vice president, saw the need for his company to produce VTRs for the Japanese market and at a more affordable price. In , JVC developed a two-head video tape recorder and by , a color version for professional broadcasting. The U-matic format was successful in businesses and some broadcast television applications, such as electronic news-gathering, and was produced by all three companies until the late s, but because of cost and limited recording time, very few of the machines were sold for home use. In early , the commercial video recording industry in Japan took a financial hit. However, despite the lack of funding, Takano and Shiraishi continued to work on the project in secret. By , the two engineers had produced a functional prototype. In , the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry MITI , desiring to avoid consumer confusion , attempted to force the Japanese video industry to standardize on just one home video recording format. With this prototype, Sony persuaded the MITI to adopt Betamax as the standard, and allow it to license the technology to other companies.

The recording medium is a Mylar [34] magnetic tape The technology is applied to over million videocassettes annually and is used by every MPAA movie studio on some or all vhs tape brands their videocassette releases. Some people use pre-recorded tapes not rental ones.


While many were quick to trash or donate their old VHS tapes after new forms of technology emerged, others held onto what would one day become a token of history and possibly a way to earn a substantial amount of money. Although most of the VHS tapes that were released might only sell for pennies today, there are a handful that have become collectors gems. After going through some of the more recently completed eBay listings, we discovered which Disney VHS tapes were selling for a large amount of money. While there are plenty of Disney VHS tapes selling on eBay for hundreds and even thousands of dollars, there are plenty of other valuable VHS tapes worth money today. Here's a look at a few more. Fourways Farm was released in the U. If you own any of the above-mentioned VHS tapes, remember to do your research before attempting to sell it. While eBay has become one of the more popular sites to sell valuable collectors items, selling on the platform carries some risk.

Vhs tape brands

VHS tapes were once the most popular way to watch movies and record television programs. These tapes were introduced in the s and became the standard for home video entertainment. They were affordable and easy to use, making them a staple in households across America. Despite this, many people still hold onto their old VHS collections for sentimental reasons or as a nostalgic reminder of a bygone era in home entertainment. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. The tapes are outstandingly durable and can withstand the day-to-day demands of multipurpose recording, making them perfect for extended-play modes. With a recording capacity of minutes, each pack contains 4 tapes, providing you with a total of 8 hours of recording time. The three Maxell standard grade video cassette blanks provide 6 hours of recording time in EP mode, 4 hours in LP mode, and 2 hours in SP mode.

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JDownloader 2 r Archived from the original on I use to do tape duplication and my favorite tape was FUJI towards the end of it I stopped doing it about a year ago. Though occasionally showing compression artifacts and color banding that are common discrepancies in digital media, the durability and longevity of a VCD depends on the production quality of the disc, and its handling. Thanks, Yodel. Retrieved July 11, Close Menu. You are using an out of date browser. December 2, Wikimedia Commons. For instance, in February , it was reported that VHS was once again doing well as an underground market. Those who still use or hold on to VHS do so for a number of reasons, including nostalgic value, ease of use in recording, keeping personal videos or home movies , watching content currently exclusive to VHS, and collecting.

It was the dominant home video format throughout the tape media period in the s and s. Magnetic tape video recording was adopted by the television industry in the s in the form of the first commercialized video tape recorders VTRs , but the devices were expensive and used only in professional environments. In the s, videotape technology became affordable for home use and widespread adoption of videocassette recorders VCRs began; [5] the VHS became the most popular media format for VCRs as it would win the "format war" against Betamax backed by Sony [6] and a number of other competing tape standards.

Main article: VHS-C. And I saw color fading pretty bad on them too. Wikimedia Commons has media related to VHS. I think Tasuke was commenting on the overall performance of the VHS tapes he mentioned, rather then specific sound differences. Originally Posted by dellsam Much depends on the particular lot from which you buy. Since VHS-C tapes are based on the same magnetic tape as full-size tapes, they can be played back in standard VHS players using a mechanical adapter, without the need of any kind of signal conversion. Not too much into tape anymore, but I usually use Fuji when I do. However, linear stereo was never popular with equipment makers or consumers. Mitsui manufactures their own discs in a few factories around the globe. NVEnc 7. Too much grain and pale colors. However, a search through Google should provide some insight. August 23,

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