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The PySide. QIODevice provides both a common implementation and an abstract interface for devices that support reading and writing of blocks of data, such as PySide. QFile , PySide. QBuffer and PySide. QIODevice pointer, allowing them to be used with various devices such as files and buffers.


Base class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is opened. This enum is used with QIODevice::open to describe the mode in which a device is opened. Certain flags, such as Unbuffered and Truncate , are meaningless when used with some subclasses. Some of these restrictions are implied by the type of device that is represented by a subclass. In other cases, the restriction may be due to the implementation, or may be imposed by the underlying platform; for example, QTcpSocket does not support Unbuffered mode, and limitations in the native API prevent QFile from supporting Unbuffered on Windows. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Detailed Description. Note that, for file-system subclasses e.

If msecs is -1, this function will not time out. Makes the object a child of parent. For sequential devices or closed devices, qiodevice, where there is no concept of a "current position", 0 is qiodevice.

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant. You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. QIODevice distinguishes between two types of devices: random-access devices and sequential devices. You can use isSequential to determine the type of device. QIODevice emits readyRead when new data is available for reading; for example, if new data has arrived on the network or if additional data is appended to a file that you are reading from.

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant. You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. QIODevice distinguishes between two types of devices: random-access devices and sequential devices. You can use isSequential to determine the type of device. QIODevice emits readyRead when new data is available for reading; for example, if new data has arrived on the network or if additional data is appended to a file that you are reading from.


You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. QIODevice distinguishes between two types of devices: random-access devices and sequential devices. Random-access devices support seeking to arbitrary positions using seek. The current position in the file is available by calling pos. QFile and QBuffer are examples of random-access devices.

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Writes at most maxSize bytes of data from data to the device. Sets the current write channel of the QIODevice to the given channel. The error string is also reset. If there are no bytes to be read and there can never be more bytes available examples include socket closed, pipe closed, sub-process finished , this function returns See also readData readLine write Definition at line of file qiodevice. See also read and writeData. QIODevice::Append 0x The device is opened in append mode, so that all data is written to the end of the file. The error string is also reset. Opens the device and sets its OpenMode to mode. QIODevice uses these functions to implement all its convenience functions, such as getChar , readLine and write. See also bytesWritten. You can only read from the device when it reports that data is available. This destructor does not call close , but the subclass destructor might. Warning Calling this function from the main GUI thread might cause your user interface to freeze. This function has no way of reporting errors; returning an empty QByteArray can mean either that no data was currently available for peeking, or that an error occurred.

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant.

For unbuffered devices, it returns immediately. Buffering makes functions like PySide. If c was not previously read from the device, the behavior is undefined. See also readData , readLine , and write. Note that unbuffered devices, which have no way of determining what can be read, always return false. PySide v1. The current output channel is used by the functions write , putChar. See also readyRead. Returns the number of bytes read. This function is commonly used with sequential devices to determine the number of bytes to allocate in a buffer before reading. Dumps information about signal connections, etc.

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