Nurgle dnd

He is the god of disease, decay and destruction and oldest of the four. He has the most care for his followers or indeed, anyone infected by one his "gifts"leading to his other name, nurgle dnd, Grandfather Nurgle. He is also god of rebirth, as death and decay breeds new life nurgle dnd many cases, nurgle dnd. His desire to break down and destroy anything he touches has led to a rivalry between him and Tzeentchwho seeks to build, plot and scheme.

Summary::Lord of Plagues. Nurgle is one of the four major Chaos Powers. He is titled the Great Lord of Decay and represents morbidity, disease and physical corruption. Of the Four Chaos gods he is said to be the most involved with the plight of mortals. Those afflicted by his contagions often turn to him in order to escape their suffering.

Nurgle dnd

Edit this Page All pages with an unattributed image. One of the four Chaos Gods the other three being Slaanesh, Khorne, and Tzeentch , Nurgle is truly a terrifying entity. He, like his brothers, was borne out of a single emotion. In his case, it was despair. When manifested upon the material plane, he often appears as a huge, bloated daemon covered in sores and boils. His body is completely rotten through with disease. He is less concerned with actual conquest than he is with the spreading of his diseases, however; a shortcoming which may be his downfall in the long run. Nurgle demands obedience from his followers, almost to a despot's extent. He encourages the spreading of his holy plagues through the lands of the living, especially if it allows his army of daemons to conquer said land. He also encourages stealthy warfare and tactics instead of brute force like Khorne. For example, a Nurgleite who poses as a village healer to further spread a chaotic virus in the village would find great favor among Nurgle. The cult of Nurgle generally operates underground for fear of discovery by local authorities. However, in some far-off northern lands, there are shrines and even large statues dedicated to the worship and praising of the Lord of Decay. The clergy itself is largely comprised of humans and half-elves who see their lives as wasted and empty.

Creatures that have an Intelligence score of 3 or lower are unaffected, as they do not comprehend the insanity of the hellish visions casted upon them. The boy prince left the tribe, reasoning that a man of his calibre would thrive nurgle dnd the Chaos Wastes, nurgle dnd.

The Warriors of Chaos, also known as the Hordes of Chaos, the Followers of Chaos, Chaos Undivided, the Northern Barbarians or simply just Northmen, are the names given to a race of savage, warlike tribes of Human Barbarians that occupy the harsh and unforgiving lands of the uppermost North, known in the lands of the Old World as the dreaded Northern Waste. To all those that faced them, the northern warriors are considered by all to be the enemies of the entire world, whose unwavering worship to an uncaring and sadistic pantheon of ancient and evil Gods has given them a single driving motive to usher in the inevitable downfall of all mortal kind into their hellish enslavement. Out of all the many threats that the Old World must face, none strikes such fear and misery into the hearts of Men like the Followers of Chaos. Slaves to darkness all, they have given themselves wholly to the Ruinous Powers, some willingly, others because they felt they had no other choice. Chaos itself is a corrupting influence upon the world, like a dark, malign cancer that eats at the minds of all those that live within the World.

Chaotic Neutral Domains. Death, Disease, Entropy Divine Rank. Greater Deity. He is the god of Death and Disease, but also Finality and Sloth. He is willed unto existence by the fear of death that all sentient beings carry and the desperate cries of those brought low by disease. He is nicknamed "The Grandfather" due to the fact that he treats his followers in the same manner that a grandfather treats his grandchildren, giving his followers gifts in the form of new plagues and poxes to spread across the realms. It is a common saying that "Nurgle always loves you", as all being rot and die, and he gives his followers peace of mind knowing that they will all join him in his Garden of Pestilence. Nurgle resides within the Warp, but more specifically the Garden of Nurgle.

Nurgle dnd

The Warriors of Chaos, also known as the Hordes of Chaos, the Followers of Chaos, Chaos Undivided, the Northern Barbarians or simply just Northmen, are the names given to a race of savage, warlike tribes of Human Barbarians that occupy the harsh and unforgiving lands of the uppermost North, known in the lands of the Old World as the dreaded Northern Waste. To all those that faced them, the northern warriors are considered by all to be the enemies of the entire world, whose unwavering worship to an uncaring and sadistic pantheon of ancient and evil Gods has given them a single driving motive to usher in the inevitable downfall of all mortal kind into their hellish enslavement. Out of all the many threats that the Old World must face, none strikes such fear and misery into the hearts of Men like the Followers of Chaos. Slaves to darkness all, they have given themselves wholly to the Ruinous Powers, some willingly, others because they felt they had no other choice. Chaos itself is a corrupting influence upon the world, like a dark, malign cancer that eats at the minds of all those that live within the World.

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He knows the following spells:. Chaos Armour is a set of weirdly wrought plate favored by the champions of Chaos. Choose one creature you can see within range. In addition the ashes swirl about for 2 rounds and finally coalesce into Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, one for each victim slain. Lust, pride and self indulgence are the hallmarks of all who follow him. This all came to pass when Sigvald came upon a small valley nestled between a small mountain range, deep within the heart of the Chaos Waste. View history Talk 0. The Sorcerer has a pool of maximum 50 Mutation Points, when it gains more than this amount it becomes unstable and it might loose control over the winds of magic. Vessel of Chaos: Vilitch enjoys the patronage of the Great Sorcerer himself and as part of Tzeentch's fickle plans, he has gifted the Twisted Twin with a dark crucible; a powerful artefact that is able to harness and store a great reservoir of unstable magical energy. The skullcrusher makes three attacks with its demon-glaive. These creatures are not under your control, and they attack the closest creatures to them. Daemonic beasts in service to the Plaguefather are perhaps more numerous than their equivalents amongst the other gods.

If the daemon fails a saving throw , it can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance.

When the army of Kul was slaughtered by the vengeance of Magnus the Pious , many thought that Scyla had fallen as well. Miscast: On a the spell is interrupted with no effects, on a 20 the Dark Gods have been seriously bothered, resulting in them sending angry daemons to punish you for your petty requests. Master of Magic. When the spell ends, the conjured tendrils wilt away. Erlock placed around Scyla's wolfish head the Collar of Khorne , a symbol of Khorne's favor, which granted Scyla immunity to cowards' magic. He eventually came up against Krell, one of Nagash's Mortarchs. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 6m away and knocked prone. As Sigvald knelt over his opponent's body, he let out a scream of anguish. Those that embrace these "gifts" are given unbelievable constitution against all disease and against even mortal weapons. Scyla can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Daemons are creatures of the warp, extremely evil and cunning, they will obey your commands as long as they see fit, given their goals and your balance of power. In combat Thomin takes its turn just after Vilitch and they use Thomin's ability scores for all physical saving throws and ability checks, while Vilitch's scores are used for all the mental ones.

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