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Turkish authorities have obstructed the expression of Kurdish culture and forms of Kurdish cultural expression for nearly a century. Beginning in the late s, however, non-Turkish forms of cultural expressions gained visibility in the Turkish public sphere. This process has developed through the participation and initiative of various Kurdish national ist s and the state actors. First, it was the first time a Turkish ministry had been involved in a project that openly aimed at supporting Kurdish culture and Kurdish language, which have long been highly circumscribed. Institutionalisation on such a scale would probably not have been possible without the involvement of the EU, the ministry and the municipality. On the other hand, because the municipality is controlled by the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party DTP, Demokratik Toplum Partisi , it is inscribed within a nebula of actors belonging to the trend of the Kurdish movement more or less loosely organised around the DTP - PKK TV channels, cultural centres, journals, political parties that functions as a network and shapes ideologies and actions the actors in this Kurdish network, also, however, act sometimes in contradictory ways 3. The municipality is thus situated in an in-between space.
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Qeyntar kul xema bi r ketin; ah bi ro va gihay. Av vexwarina w li ser kaniya v ax.
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Di hejmara Hawar 26 an de ez bendeka xweser li ser lavij binivsnim. Bibornin Rusan nediht ku ez strann Kurday mrxasiy bibjim. Dema ku Silman Mist tev karwanan talan tne, ji ber rabna ava em Biriy felat nabne ku derbas aliy din av bibe. How many tapes has he sold?! Keleha Xurs, li der ay. The project will contribute to increasing mutual understanding, knowledge and wider appreciation of the cultural variety of Turkey. Kilamn xwe li ser mrxwaz egitiy hatine gotine pesna swarn kurd yn mrxwaza dide, deng azadxwaz mxsriya kurda di dest dagirkern biyan xwnmj de digihne guh mirova. Mixabin ev ji ber ertn neyn li Amed nedib. Ji aliy din anda civaka Kurdistan ku xwed teybetmendiyn teybet bi xwe ye, li ser hunermndiya w pir bi hz b. Eger gur her dehbeyek din li ax hr bo nava keriyn pez ketiba ber avan w, i xilas bna wan bi guleyn tivinga w dihatin kutin.
I was an orphan; I grew up with my uncles. Min bi wan qna kir ku ez li nav kurda bm. Wan bi min re i digotin min wek wan dikir. Ciwann Kurd gelek modern difikirin kar dikin ku nasnameya muzk hunera Kurdan bi geln chan j bidin nasandin. On the other hand, because the municipality is controlled by the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party DTP, Demokratik Toplum Partisi , it is inscribed within a nebula of actors belonging to the trend of the Kurdish movement more or less loosely organised around the DTP - PKK TV channels, cultural centres, journals, political parties that functions as a network and shapes ideologies and actions the actors in this Kurdish network, also, however, act sometimes in contradictory ways 3. Ez li dora gir Niskn fikirm, Sosin beybn t re bikift. Min ker ji w de kiriya Min ji tar pirsiya Hatim gundik Heciya Mala Evdoy Heciya Dev ker q kiriya Meyzand li rza baniya Ka heywan end sali ya Ser bext law min be Emr w s sal ya Hn nka bar aniya Ji nefsa xwe de efend ya Sib b tevl l da Ne min go ker gir da Ker w tkeve dexl da Me cih fireh e fih da Jrenot:Bi devoka toriyan hatiy nivsandine Tor bi piran li dewsa e a bi kar tnin. Dewleta mr min mezin be. Rojek ji rojan, x Sil destr dixwaze t ser sifra Surmel Mehmed Paa rdin. L min dest bi strana kir ku min kjan stran got w got na ev nabe. Ji lavij s nivit, bi xeta Siryan keti bn dest min. Being registered also means they cannot record or participate in any public activities without the authorization of the House.
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