Miles and smiles statü mil satın alma

Suecos s is the word depcribing the celebration of the tirst anniversary of tho Michigan club, and its aggressive members may be proud of its holiday. The city Monda; wis tilled with the sterling republioan leaders of the state, the lobbies of the hotels and the streets showing that Michigan was in Detroit for the day.

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Miles and smiles statü mil satın alma


Foraker of Ohio was the first prominent feature of the day.


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Miles and smiles statü mil satın alma


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There, too, wera the wuiters, as fine a lot of 6wallowtailed men as you oould find in a diiy's ride, every ono erect, arms folded and headq np. Btrkweather 3. I now have the honor to present to you his excellency, Gov. CarKnter, ll. Alger, follon-ed by Senators Logan, Evarts, Manderaon aru! Digital Banking. Mfi Dear8ir have tho honor toacknowledge t be receipt of your kind invitation to be present a au honorary gneet at th firt an nlversar meeUng and banqnet of the Michigan club, Monday evening, Feb. Alger and Mrs. In no ttate liave promiiseetn tlie direct ion of civil service reform b'-en more plainly violated than In Michigan, for no state has the patronage been niore clearly bestowed a a reward for political service, and at the dictation of the one man power. Montagne, J. Lawrenee Saoomb connty; James Wilkinson.


Krom Ban. I feel that I am much betterby my comiug, and tbat yoO will be much better by my gOmg. We know what we proposed to do then and we know what we did. Ow en Btone, F. It is for us to determino which is the oase. Now, my fellow citizens, layins jest aside, I am truly glad to have been here Luncht. The wist' Jipases, when he had deenntod to the Greek leaders as to why the discords, why the disuffections, why the coldness amon the leaders of the host had lef t Troy still Htanding, closud in ew words, as Um meanint; of it all: "Troy in our weakness, not in her strength, stands. Van Housen, icmgan; Maj. Alger's oarriage, the governor himself holding the dooi and asaisting them to enter. Tlie very measures, the very means, the very motives that actuated the democratie party in are actuating the democratie party in the congress of the United States today m the case of that new and great empire of the nortnwest. House of Kepresentativks, Wvsni. The nine state-; which I have nientioned havo in votes! At noon all the tickets for the tables at the banquet had been disposed of, besides a hundred eitra chairs on the ground floor. To the rciuibli.

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