Michael phelps nude

June 25th, News. Perhaps committing to this all nude photo shoot was the extra motivation Phelps needed to get his body back into tip top shape.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Bring on the naked athletes! Espn The Magazine just released their Sixth Annual Body Issue, and some of sports' biggest stars are stripping down for the popular edition.

Michael phelps nude

Purdy, who recently competed on ABC's Dancing With the Stars , opens up about becoming an amputee and her career trajectory in an interview with the publication's website. Within 24 hours, I was in the hospital on life support, and I was given less than a 2 percent chance of living. It took five days for the doctors to find out that I had contracted bacterial meningitis. I ended up losing my legs below the knees from septic shock," Purdy, now 34, recalls. After being in a coma for two and a half weeks, doctors placed Purdy on life support. Purdy got up on a snowboard about seven months after she lost her legs. At the time, she was still very sick—I was still 83 pounds, I still had kidney failure," Purdy says. The experience made Purdy appreciate her body in an entirely different way. When I was in the hospital and I lost my legs—to go from that to feeling stronger than ever, and knowing the strength of my body has been what's gotten me to where I'm at today, as far as the Paralympics and Dancing With the Stars goes—I'm so proud of how healthy I am. As for Phelps, posing nude was no big deal. During his short-lived retirement, Phelps says he packed on the pounds. I got fat and out of shape.

For some reason they love Phelps over there.


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Michael phelps nude

The Olympics are here! That means mind-bogglingly talented athletes from around the world are already competing in their fields of expertise to earn medals and global recognition for their unparalleled skills. Also, shirtlessness!

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Her swimming career started at the age of 12 and is soon coming to a close with only one semester of collegiate compeition left. Purdy, who recently competed on ABC's Dancing With the Stars , opens up about becoming an amputee and her career trajectory in an interview with the publication's website. Subscribe to SwimSwam Magazine! Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. The 6-foot-4 swimmer says the weight came off easily once he started working out again. During his short-lived retirement, Phelps says he packed on the pounds. I am impressed with how extraordinarily fit Michael Phelps looks these days. Whether he's trying to lose weight or stage a comeback , Phelps feels invincible. There is no full frontal. What are you talking about? Lane Four.

Time to hit the gym! Tennis champ Williams, 34, looks gorgeous on her cover surrounded by a backdrop of silky white sheets and a powder blue sky filled with clouds. Like Williams, time Olympic gold medalist Phelps also poses nude, in his go-to element: The swimming pool.

What do you think about Michael's sexy shot? That is an excellent point…. I lost 25 pounds in probably six weeks—just working out two hours a day, eating healthy," he reveals. Throughout her four years at Duke, she has …. During his short-lived retirement, Phelps says he packed on the pounds. More to explore. Perhaps committing to this all nude photo shoot was the extra motivation Phelps needed to get his body back into tip top shape. Naked but showing nothing but an incredibly fit and athletic body. Reply to bobthebuilderrocks 9 years ago. This annual issue is very tastefully done. Venus Williams I.

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