meaning of valar morghulis

Meaning of valar morghulis

Post autor: jurpaw » Post autor: May » ,

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Meaning of valar morghulis


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Do you know the definition of valar morghulis? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on the word valar morghulis, including its definition, etymology, usage, example sentences, and more! According to Merriam-Webster , the term valar morghulis is from the television-series Game of Thrones. Valar morghulis is also the name of an episode of Game of Thrones. In the episode it is seen on a coin. This is similar to the Latin phrase memento mori.

Meaning of valar morghulis

Valar morghulis is a High Valyrian saying originating from Braavos, a city located on the northwestern tip of Essos. It means "all men must die," and it's usually answered with the phrase valar dohaeris , meaning "all men must serve. If Morghulis looks appropriately ghoulish, it's probably because it resembles the English word morgue - though we don't know if George R.

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High Valyrian is a language constructed by David J.

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