mano de orula

Mano de orula

The hand of Orula is a ceremony or initiation rite within the Yoruba Religionspecifically in the Santeria rule Osha and Ifa.

This is an ideal opportunity to find out if you would like to take the Mano de Orula ceremony with a priest of your choice and what is involved. It is not something we recommend you enter into lightly without prior research. Key2Cuba offers the dance course and meetings with the priests. We also offer the opportunity for you to know more about the history of the dances. Awo Fakan for men and Ikofa Fun for women is a 3-day ceremony performed by 3 Babalawos. It should be the first ceremony anyone receives in the Santaria religion.

Mano de orula


At the end of the Babalawos they proceed to deliver the saints Orishas to the new aleyos and explain their meaning and way of attending to them.


The Hand of Orula is a ceremony of Ifa practiced by members of the Yoruba religion. When initiating into the religion this is the first step and the first ceremony that the person will undergo. This ceremony has a duration of 3 days in which 4 Babalawo, and a female santera are needed, the Babalawo are the high priests of the religion. There are various reasons as to why this ceremony is mandatory for anyone initiating into the religion. Not only is the foundation of your spiritual journey determined here, but many questions regarding yourself and your destiny are unraveled.

Mano de orula

Following the categories developed by the Nigerian scholar Peju Yemaje, Orunmila is recognized as a primordial Orisha, an ara orun , one that existed before the creation of humanity and resides in Heaven, as opposed to irun-male or irunmole , sacred beings living on Earth. Orunmila is considered a sage , recognizing that Olodumare placed Ori intuitive knowledge in him as a prime Orisha. It is Ori who can intercede and affect the reality of a person much more than any other Orisha.

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Your email address will not be published. In the Afro-Cuban tradition Santeria , this bracelet is green and yellow, while in the Nigerian Ifa the colors that are used are green and brown or brown. Back to August itinerary. When Yewa arrived she brought with her a very nice basket that was adorned with different fabrics and beads with the representative colors of Orunmila Green and yellow , both of them decided to go to the house of the great fortune teller. This is where you find out which Odu If or sign you live under the influence of, who your Guardian Orisha is and what other initiations, if you, will need as well as a road map to live your life by going forward. This story of the Sign of Ifa Odi Meji, tells that Iku Death was in love with Oshun and was always courting her and inviting her to go for a walk, he tried in any way to win her love. You will be required to drink some Omiero and take some home with you to bathe in. The ceremony of the woman's hand of Orula Ikofa Fun , represents the marriage between Orunmila and Obini, this would happen to have the religious position of Apetebi. Iku was determined to take Orula away, constantly watching over him and waiting for him to gain weight and thus not be able to defend himself. He was so obsessed with Oshun that little by little he revealed some secrets to him and gave him a hand of Ikines that Odduduwa jealously guarded in his house. They did this with the basket that Yewa had, while they did it they sang:. The hand ceremony of Orula or Plante de Orula as it is also known, lasts three days which is executed by the Babalawos, during these days different rituals and sacrifices are performed in order to purify, improve the astral and create foundations of protection for the people who receive. Oshun being pregnant with Orula, she was very worried because she thought that Iku could take her son so she decides to go see Yewa. Key2Cuba offers the dance course and meetings with the priests. We also offer the opportunity for you to know more about the history of the dances.

Initiations are recommended according to the needs of the person as determined by the Orishas themselves through divination. He is received so that he can open your roads in life and close the doors to all the forces that might harm you. When you receive Echu from a Babalawo, divination is done to determine which of all these paths of Echu accompanies you , and the secrets with which he is prepared differs for each path.

Thank you Orula for all the good and powerful that you are, take care of and guide my son on a good path ashe, blessings, health, luck and much, much tranquility, prosperity for my home, development, and all the best in the world for us and the whole world family. We advise thorough investigation and researchto check if it is going to benefit you. To obtain his freedom, Iku had to promise that he would not look for Orunmila or any of his children anymore, they stressed that all Orula's children wear a green and yellow bracelet Idefa on their left hand. It is called the middle day because it separates the day of consecration or Lavatorio and the day of Ita. In this ceremony, the identification process of the Aleyo tutelary Orisha is also carried out, this is what is popularly known as lowering the Guardian angel. This is the representation of Elegua in Ifa, it is the first deity that we must attend, it is customary to attend to it on Mondays in order to ask that it be a prosperous and evolutionary week. Offerings of sweets, roasted fish, fruits, roasted corn, fish and smoked jutia Eku eja Awado are also placed on it. Your Ikofa will have 1, 2 or 16 Ikines depending on the house or branch of fa where it starts. At the end of the Babalawos they proceed to deliver the saints Orishas to the new aleyos and explain their meaning and way of attending to them. To treat it, cycles of 16 or 25 days are used, it is regularly attended in the mornings, but we must be clean, that is, freshly bathed, not have ingested alcoholic beverages or have had sexual intercourse for at least the last 24 hours. Uncooked rice is also sprinkled around it and a bunch of grapes can be placed on top. You will drink the Omiero and bathe in another bath of Omiero over the course of the 3 days. Day 2. The Idefa or Ilde, is a bracelet worn by believers in the Ifa cult that represents the pact between Orunmila and Iku Death , this pact consists in that death cannot take a son of Orunmila before time. Iku was determined to take Orula away, constantly watching over him and waiting for him to gain weight and thus not be able to defend himself.

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