love to kill 1997

Love to kill 1997

Love to Kill is about Frances Sweet, a young gorgeous woman who uses her beauty and charm to lure wealthy men into giving her all their money and then she kills them. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Love to Kill starts off aimlessly and gets progressively less coherent as time passes. At the outset, the movie appears to be about Moe Tony Danza , a gunrunner who is trying to establish a relationship with an unsuspecting woman. Moe sets up a double date with her, her sister, and a colleague of his. Everything seems to be going well, until the sister accidentally dies by falling down a set of stairs. Much confusion and mayhem ensues, as the death is covered up and some of Moe's shady associates begin to emerge out of the woodwork. Sound confusing?

Love to kill 1997

Importing illegal automatic weapons for resale is a big business and Moe is the middleman. Even with the huge monetary rewards available, he finds that his love life is suffering and he is l Read all Importing illegal automatic weapons for resale is a big business and Moe is the middleman. Even with the huge monetary rewards available, he finds that his love life is suffering and he is looking for that special someone. When he finds her, he wants to become respectable and mar When he finds her, he wants to become respectable and marry, but it seems that business and a double date conspire to end this romantic relationshi Read all. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. The Girl Gets Moe R 1h 42m.

Funny, hip and classy!


Love to Kill starts off aimlessly and gets progressively less coherent as time passes. At the outset, the movie appears to be about Moe Tony Danza , a gunrunner who is trying to establish a relationship with an unsuspecting woman. Moe sets up a double date with her, her sister, and a colleague of his. Everything seems to be going well, until the sister accidentally dies by falling down a set of stairs. Much confusion and mayhem ensues, as the death is covered up and some of Moe's shady associates begin to emerge out of the woodwork. Sound confusing? It is. I think what the filmmakers were trying to do is take the standard crime movie and throw in a little hum our and levity. In some respects, it works.

Love to kill 1997

Moe Danza is a low-level arms dealer who falls for Elizabeth Barondes , a gal who happens to like guns. But things go wrong thanks to dead bodies, doublecrosses, and dirty cops. Smith; M: Barry Coffing. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. February 21, Retrieved February 21, from Encyclopedia. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia. Arts Culture magazines Love to Kill. Love to Kill gale.

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More to explore. David Keeps Jim. User reviews 4 Review. Joseph Nasser. Rick Ravanello Nicholas Landon. Storyline Edit. More like this. Moe sets up a double date with her, her sister, and a colleague of his. See our picks. Love to Kill is about Frances Sweet, a young gorgeous woman who uses her beauty and charm to lure wealthy men into giving her all their money and then she kills them. User reviews 2 Review. As such, the crash could not have happened as shown, which leads to a second plot hole of the Hollywood Vancouver? Characters keep popping up with no explanation, demanding money for deals that occur off-screen. Edit page. Photos Add photo.

AllMovie relies heavily on JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use the site fully. Action Comedy Drama Comedy.

Simon Hallam Auctioneer. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. David Keeps Jim. See the gallery. Drama Thriller. Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini Zeto. Josh Byer Detective Adam. Learn more. A bad movie doesn't need too many words to tell you how bad it is. David Ripley Smith. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond.

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