julie green prophecy today

Julie green prophecy today

Julie Green, a self-proclaimed prophet and a vocal supporter of Donald Trumpwas joined by the former president's son Eric on her web show Thursday and told him God is protecting his father.

By Tim Dickinson. A self-declared prophet who has campaigned with, and prayed over , Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano purports to have received wild messages from the almighty. Consider the case of the royal formerly known as Prince Charles , recently crowned king of England. Like any skilled fortune teller, Green kept the outlandish prediction vague and difficult to disprove. And what about President Joe Biden? According to Green, Biden is already dead. This actor, she said, is being directed, via an earpiece, by Barack Obama, who has corruptly orchestrated a de facto third term.

Julie green prophecy today

Children of the Most High God, wake up. Wake up this day. Wake up to My truth, to My Words, and they will set you free. Receive My Words down in your hearts. Protect your faith; protect it from the spirit of fear. I, the Lord, this day am telling you right now, My children, not to be in fear. Instead, you stand. Children of Almighty God, I am asking you this question today: do you trust Me? Do you trust that I will have My way? Do you trust that I will deliver you? Do you trust that I will protect you? Do you trust that I will restore everything that has been stolen from you? Do you trust that I will remove the ones before you? Do you trust in My justice?

For I, the Lord, will show great vengeance, vindication, and judgment on everyone who has taken part in stealing My Nation. I, the Lord, this day say that a great resurrection will take julie green prophecy today again- from death to life, weak to strong, poor to rich, sickness to health, depression to joy, bondage to complete freedom.


Green, who frequently shares messages she claims are sent from God on her Julie Green Ministries International streaming channels, has a history of controversial prophecies. Her past predictions range from the death of Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi before the midterms to the collapse of legal indictments against former President Donald Trump. In the latest video , posted by Ron Filipkowski, editor-in-chief of the liberal media outlet MeidasTouch, Green delivers a potent message: "My children, the time has come. A time that you have been waiting for. A reinstatement. A shift of power. A new government in control. An overthrow, and a takeover in this nation from the hands of the wicked, to the hands of the righteous. She prophesizes a significant upheaval, suggesting a "coup is about to be disrupted and annihilated," with those involved "exposed and removed.

Julie green prophecy today

Julie Green, a self-proclaimed prophet and fervent supporter of former President Donald Trump , on Monday said she recently received a prophecy from God that the indictments against Trump are "about to explode and they all fall apart. Green frequently posts videos on the YouTube channel for her Julie Green Ministries International in which she shares messages that she claims God sends to her. In the past, she has predicted that CNN will claim bankruptcy and that Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi of California would pass away before the midterm elections. Green has also been a featured speaker on the right-wing ReAwaken America tour, which featured high-profile guests such as former Trump advisers Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. You'll be very surprised in the reason why," Green said in her Monday video. Green has previously referred to Trump as the biblical figure David, including in an April message that addressed the former president's legal woes, during which she said God had informed her the indictments would "backfire" on those bringing charges against Trump. In the Monday video, Green went on to say that "enemies" are "walking right into the biggest trap they have never seen coming. And all this lawlessness and injustice will come back to hit them in the face, and the justice system will be cleaned out of the ones not upholding the laws in this land or the Constitution. Though Green did not specify which indictment she was referring to in the message, Trump has been indicted four times this year.

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Older Posts. It was an awesome night of the Lord, to see what God is doing in the political realm. I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that live in the Land of My Eagle- the globalists are against you, the Deep State is after you, and many foreign nations want to destroy you. View all posts by Tim Dickinson. Do you trust in My justice? I have heard the cries of My children in their desperation. Do you see it? So, My children, start to rejoice. By Jon Jackson Associate Editor. Newsletters in your inbox See all. They are through. The exposure and evidence of all the lies, deception, corruption, and wickedness are flooding in, pouring in, and going viral through all the airwaves and social media worldwide.

Children of the Most High God, wake up. Wake up this day.

I see the torment and frustration you face every day. They were confused. I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are at a crossroads with "the Biden" or "slow Joe," as they will now refer to him. I have given you the power to overthrow. I told you what you would see before that took place, and now you are seeing it play out in front of your eyes. Culture Council. Please log in. Arise in My Word. Newsletters in your inbox See all. You will not steal another election. Receive My Words down in your hearts. I will show you every person involved. Better Planet. He did not want … us to be the slaves unto this one-world government system.

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