jesus calling august 13

Jesus calling august 13

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Jesus, let Thy Beautiful Presence be always with us. There is no bond of union on earth to compare with the union between a soul that loves Me — and Me. In the merging of heart and mind and will a oneness results that only those who experience it can even dimly realize. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. Ephesians

Jesus calling august 13

Thank you Jesus for the encouragement to "relax and enjoy life". This blessing is something I often forget as I get mired down with daily struggles. Help me to remember this is an opportunity to not only trust in you but to strengthen our relationship though your many gifts to me! Thank you for this reminder today. I need you Jesus, I don't know how anyone gets through another day without you. Here in far northern CA, the smoke from fires, or the fires themselves have us on edge. Like much of the country we are also in the midst of another heatwave. There is blaming and shaming for the spike in Covid variant. The world seems to have lost its mind and it seems to me the numbers of lost people that I know personally has escalated. Come Holy Spirit. Help us Holy Spirit. Help me to relax, enjoy my life and see as well as share instead your blessings Lord.

Yes I sure do love my Grands.


Thank you Jesus for the encouragement to "relax and enjoy life". This blessing is something I often forget as I get mired down with daily struggles. Help me to remember this is an opportunity to not only trust in you but to strengthen our relationship though your many gifts to me! Thank you for this reminder today. I need you Jesus, I don't know how anyone gets through another day without you. Here in far northern CA, the smoke from fires, or the fires themselves have us on edge. Like much of the country we are also in the midst of another heatwave. There is blaming and shaming for the spike in Covid variant.

Jesus calling august 13

Sunday, January 23 Jesus Calling: February 29th, Jesus Calling: February 29 You are on the right path. Listen more to Me, and less to your doubts. I am leading you along the way I designed just for you. Therefore, it is a lonely way, humanly speaking. But I go before you as well as alongside you, so you are never alone.

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Thank you Lord for reuniting this family in Your love and peace. What is wrong in your country, its statesmen, its laws, its people? Effort and rest — a union of the two. Soften our hardened hearts so we can forgive even those who have repeatedly done us wrong. Thank you for your constant forgiveness. Please pray for me and my financial situation and all the burdens that I have. Just what I needed in God's perfect timing. For most of us, there are little eyes and ears that follow us wherever we go. Remember no prayer goes unanswered. This blessing is something I often forget as I get mired down with daily struggles. We are all His children as the Spirit bears witness. Deep blue fading to a beautiful light baby blue. He always makes a way. Thank you for making this available.

Jesus, let Thy Beautiful Presence be always with us. There is no bond of union on earth to compare with the union between a soul that loves Me — and Me. In the merging of heart and mind and will a oneness results that only those who experience it can even dimly realize.

I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee. Whatever represents defeat in your life, the Lord will by His mercy turn it to victory, and you will rejoice in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen! Give them hearts of compassion and forgiveness. Remember that Eternal Life is the only lasting life, so that all that is done without being done in the Power of My Spirit, My Life, is passing. Amen to that, Suzanne R! If I, the Son of God, needed those times of quiet communion with My Father, away, alone, from noise, from activity — then surely you need them too. Heading to bed because I must get to Church on time. Soften our hardened hearts so we can forgive even those who have repeatedly done us wrong. He always makes a way. Thus you proclaim My Presence to the watching world. Lord God, i pray for my sister in Christ and that you would help her to daily flee from thoughts which come from her heart.

1 thoughts on “Jesus calling august 13

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