indian head cent pennies

Indian head cent pennies

Indian head cent pennies considered America's most beautiful copper coin, the Indian Head cent debuted in and was struck for half a century until when it was replaced by the Lincoln cent. The coins were issued during an adventurous period in U. Between its renowned design and historical significance, indian head cent pennies, it is easy to see why the Indian Head penny is so highly sought after by collectors. We are proud to offer a large selection of Indian Head pennies for sale, including both bronze and copper-nickel varieties.

By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Like most Indian Head Pennies from the early s, the edition is valuable for no reason other than the fact that so few have survived the years. Unfortunately, so few coins have made it through to today that you will more often than not find the in poor condition. With coins this old, the best way to determine value is by finding out what its grade is. For those that would just like to more accurately determine the grade and value of their coin s , you can use the specifications provided below.

Indian head cent pennies

From to , the cent was a copper coin about the size of a half dollar. The discovery of gold in California caused a large inflation in prices. As gold became more abundant, the price of copper rose. Cent and half-cent manufacture was one of the only profit centers for the Mint and by it began looking for alternatives. The new pieces were identical in diameter to modern cents, though thicker. This was the first use of copper-nickel for United States coins. The copper-nickel made them look brighter and they began to be called "White cent" or "Nicks". In , the Flying Eagle was replaced with the Indian head design. The Flying Eagle design caused production difficulties and the Mint soon looked to replace it. Mint Director James Ross Snowden selected the Indian Head design and chose a laurel wreath for the reverse, that was replaced in by an oak wreath with a shield. Cents were hoarded during the economic chaos of the American Civil War , when the metal nickel was in short supply. As Mint officials saw that privately issued bronze tokens were circulating, they induced Congress to pass the Coinage Act of , authorizing a slimmer cent of bronze alloy.

On this coin, you can easily identify the Indian on the front of the coin as well as the wreath and inscriptions on the back.

By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Founded shortly after the founding of the United States itself, the US Mint has long since been producing the coinage of both the US as well as that of other countries too. In the early days, the US Mint was founded in and operated out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but due to the expansive nature of the early United States, additional facilities needed to be constructed. With each new facility came a new identifying mintmark that was added to each coin to show where they were made. Throughout its storied history, the US Mint has created many different types of coins at different points in time. One of the first coin-types ever produced, however, is known as the single cent penny. Pennies were and still are incredibly useful for Americans on a day to day basis and are one of the longest-lasting types of coins produced by the mint.

Identify Indian penny values on the chart by following three important steps. Early years through are especially sought by collectors in nice condition - grade. The following chart shows a wide range of values. Spotting key, valuable dates followed by an accurate judgement of their condition assures you don't miss any highly sought Indian cents. The above are wholesale coin values. Computed from dealer's price lists with various mark-up factors figured in. They reflect closely the value you would expect to receive when selling.

Indian head cent pennies

When it comes to collecting Indian Head penny key dates , rarities, and varieties, a small difference on a coin can result in a large difference in the value. Coin collectors specializing in collecting Indian Head pennies actively seek out these dates and varieties to complete their collection. They are always looking for the best possible specimen to add to their collection. Listed below are the key dates and varieties for the Indian Head cents that were minted from to

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Preceded by Flying Eagle cent. Unfortunately, so few coins have made it through to today that you will more often than not find the in poor condition. These greenbacks , beginning in the following year, were issued in large quantities by the federal government. As Mint officials saw that privately issued bronze tokens were circulating, they induced Congress to pass the Coinage Act of , authorizing a slimmer cent of bronze alloy. Indian Princess — The following few sections will discuss, in-depth, more about these coins as well as why they are so popular amongst collectors nowadays. Silver Eagle —present Gold Eagle —present Platinum Eagle —present Gold Buffalo —present First Spouse gold —; Palladium Eagle —present America the Beautiful silver bullion coins — American Liberty high relief gold coin —present. Chase , proposing a bronze cent and two-cent piece. Check Order Status. Last Name. The coins were issued during an adventurous period in U. While some editions are extremely difficult to find, others exist in abundance. Presentation of coins in payment carried with it no obligation to make change in the same.

By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Founded shortly after the founding of the United States itself, the US Mint has long since been producing the coinage of both the US as well as that of other countries too. In the early days, the US Mint was founded in and operated out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but due to the expansive nature of the early United States, additional facilities needed to be constructed.

Email Address. This caused disquiet among some collectors and dealers who saw rare pieces being devalued, but Snowden made no secret of what he was doing and was undeterred. In , the Flying Eagle was replaced with the Indian head design. This change both increased demand for cents, and decreased the demand for the three-cent nickel, which was abolished in However, in the composition was changed to bronze. The economic Panic of again caused a decrease in the number of cents produced, as coins accumulated in private hands were spent, creating a surplus. Create an Account. Because of this, the Large-Cents were not able to be used to pay taxes or any other government payment. Minted from through , Indian Head cents have witnessed some of the most dramatic historical changes in American history — the discoveries of rich western gold and silver deposits, the completion of the transcontinental railroad, the industrial development of the country's greatest cities, the advent of the automobile and airplane, and the dawn of the 20th century. For those that would just like to more accurately determine the grade and value of their coin s , you can use the specifications provided below. These coins are quite dull, but are still in decent shape when all things considered. A three-cent postage rate had been one of the reasons why that denomination had begun, in the s; in the early s, the Post Office decreased the basic rate for letters to two cents.

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