hearthstone best wild decks

Hearthstone best wild decks

Known mostly for playing Big Priest, you can find MOM most seasons slinging degenerate decks on high legend ladder. DocDelight grew up in Western Canada playing Pokemon, hearthstone best wild decks, developing a preference for turn-based strategy games that led to his introduction to Hearthstone in Since then, DocDelight has accumulated numerous leaderboard finishes across Wild, Standard, and Classic modes in the Americas region, as well as multiple Wild leaderboard finishes in the Europe and Asia regions. He can often be spotted on ladder piloting full golden decks belonging to Reno or Big archetypes, including his signature Big Shaman.

Home » Wild Decks. Submit your Deck. Category: Wild Decks. Mine Rogue Legend Score: Reno Warrior 35 Legend Score: Reno Shudderwock Shaman Legend — sinf3rn0 Score:

Hearthstone best wild decks

Home » Wild Decks. Submit your Deck. Category: Wild Decks. Mine Rogue Legend Score: Reno Priest Legend Score: Reno Quest Mage Legend Score: Reno Druid 4 Legend Score: Renathal Pirate Rogue Legend Score: Reno Druid Legend Score: Miracle Priest Legend — bebop4th. Even Shaman Legend Score:

Voidtouched Attendant is the true powerhouse of the archetype, adding 1 point of damage to every damage source. The format seems to be more hearthstone best wild decks than usual, which is usually bad news for a traditionally "fair" archetype like Beast Hunter. The card enables immense burst damage to close out games before opponents can get a chance to turn things around.


Home » Wild Decks » Paladin. Submit your Deck. Category: Paladin. Holy Wrath Paladin 10 Legend Score: February 21, Holy Wrath Paladin Legend Score: Even Paladin Legend — Rejoinable.

Hearthstone best wild decks

Home » Wild Decks » Hunter. Submit your Deck. Category: Hunter. Renathal Reno Hunter 14 Legend — 27e Renathal Reno Hunter Legend Score: Reno Hunter 29 Legend Score: February 19, Reno Hunter Legend Score: February 16,

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The first two cards are efficient buffs that do something in addition to increasing weapon attack, and the last card is a weapon tutor that can find Kingsbane. There be a storm sweeping through the open ladder right now, one brought on by the new set, Festival of Legends. Discord Twitter Reddit. Fortunately for Even Shaman, it did not require any new cards to remain a dominate force in the Wild metagame. Bronze Gatekeeper, recently buffed as part of the new Core Set, is also an interesting tech choice to counter decks like Kingsbane Rogue, as its combination of Magnetic and Taunt can prove troublesome to get through. Support us on Ko-fi. Submit your Deck. The Giants version of the deck is better, but not by enough. Now, with some refinement, a new Silence and Deathrattle-heavy package has emerged. Festival of Legends has been underwhelming for Secret Mage so far, but new synergies are being discovered all the time. Reno Priest Legend Score: After a long period of stagnation, a new Demon Hunter archetype has finally emerged in Wild!

Home » Wild Decks » Druid. Submit your Deck. Category: Druid.

Potion of Illusion. Support us on Ko-fi. To enable this strategy, the deck is packed with cheap Beasts and Beast-generating cards that summon multiple minions for little mana investment. February 29, The OTK version of the deck was built around the final reward, Blightborn Tamsin, and used its Battlecry to destroy the opponent as it draws well into Fatigue all at once. The rest of the set appears to have little synergy with the deck's gameplan, meaning nothing new has made the cut. All of these spells make it harder to achieve infinite turns with Grand Magister Rommath. Make sure to scroll down to read the latest discussion on the deck's current role in the meta. Voidtouched Attendant is the true powerhouse of the archetype, adding 1 point of damage to every damage source. Between Tier 3 and Tier 4 are a host of potentially viable archetypes, most of which are being squished into irrelevance by the decks above them, especially Ramp Druid in Tier S. The Scourge. Naturally, Brann Bronzebeard also finds a home in the deck alongside these cards. While this could theoretically still be done, the efficient way was deleted with the recent change to Cataclysm, Runed Mithril Rod comes down two full turns later than it did when the deck was strong, and 30 damage is just much too much to deal to yourself in current times up from Quest Mage 95 Legend Score: A new expansion may have dropped, but Uther couldn't name any new cards.

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