

Euskararen tresnak. Kultura eta Hizkuntza Politika Saila.

Elhuyar Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to the popularising of science and technology and the development of the Basque language. It has broad experience working in a whole host of knowledge areas, thanks to the confluence of highly varied professions within the group: journalism, engineering, biology, chemistry, linguistics, translation, gender equality… In the European framework, the team has developed an extensive experience in European projects. Manex Urruzola Arrate is an Industrial Engineer with 16 years of experience in television, radio and written media, both in editorial and coordination positions. Manex has managed the communication of international science festivals, exhibitions, workshops and press conferences. Jaione has 9 years of experience in television and multimedia.


The translation has been generated automatically elia. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. We apply state-of-the-art knowledge in Basque society Elhuyar ezagutuz aldatzea play See video. The Elhuyar Environmental Communication Decalogue is presented to professionals and students in the field of science and communication February The Elhuyar Dictionary exceeds 60 million consultations February Orai, an artificial intelligence technology centre. Elhuyar presents his work in the European Parliament on language technologies and artificial intelligence February Elhuyar has compiled a list of the most relevant studies and news of in the field of science December Our hallmarks are commitment, quality assurance and being state-of-the-art. December September June March We work in the fields of science, artificial intelligence, languages, social improvement

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fausto Elhuyar. Contents move to sidebar hide, elhuyer.

Elhuyar left Mexico after the Mexican War of Independence , when most of the Spanish residents in Mexico were expelled. After graduating, he returned to Spain, where he exercised himself in the study of mineralogy, specially that of the Basque Country and Navarre , where he resided. During those years, he published numerous articles and dossiers about minerals, ways to extract and purify them, etc. After his return to Spain, in he renounced his professorship and, in July , was appointed General Director of Mines in Mexico. Before departing to his new office, he toured Europe again from to in order to study Born's method on refining silver. During this trip, he married Joan Raab in Vienna , in

Erregistratu gabe erabil dezakezu. Erregistratzen bazara, aukera gehiago izango dituzu: eskaerako hitz-kopuru handiagoa, dokumentu formatudunak bere horretan itzultzeko aukera Askotariko formatuak dituzten dokumentuak itzultzeko aukera ematen du Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoak. Eraman itzultzailea poltsikoan edonora. Erabilerraza eta erosoa da.


The translation has been generated automatically elia. From today, the free multilingual automatic translator for computers and mobile is available in Elhuyar: itzultzailea. Based on state-of-the-art technology based on artificial intelligence and neural networks, Elhuyar has developed an automatic translator who knows the three main languages of Euskal Herria Euskera, Spanish and French and Catalan and Galician and has made it available to society free of charge. The Elhuyar translator can be used on the web itzultzailea. Translations between Euskera, Spanish, French, Catalan and Galician can be made both in one and the other. In the case of the mobile PPP, moreover, it is not necessary to insert the text in the application itself.

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Edukia Elhuyar Hiztegia ren bertsio hau hiztegi berritua duzu, Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegi Batuaren eta gomendioen arabera moldatua. Oihane Lakar Iraizoz. Article Talk. Laburduren zerrenda PDF formatuan. Since she has been working in the Elhuyar communication group, in the field of video and social media management. September Our hallmarks are commitment, quality assurance and being state-of-the-art. Horrez gain, sarrera horrek dituen azpisarrerak ere ematen dira. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons After graduating, he returned to Spain, where he exercised himself in the study of mineralogy, specially that of the Basque Country and Navarre , where he resided. December He aided Alexander von Humboldt during his time in New Spain, along with other mining experts then in Mexico, allowing Humboldt's section on mining in his Political essay on the Kingdom of New Spain to be replete with statistics and insights.

The translation has been generated automatically elia.

New York: Charles Scribner's Sons Manex Urruzola Arrate. During those years, he published numerous articles and dossiers about minerals, ways to extract and purify them, etc. Lehenik, hiztegiaren zein ataletan bilatu nahi den aukeratu behar da, euskara - gaztelania eu - es edo gaztelania - euskara es - eu. Elhuyar left Mexico after the Mexican War of Independence , when most of the Spanish residents in Mexico were expelled. March Azpisarreren ordainetan Ik. After graduating, he returned to Spain, where he exercised himself in the study of mineralogy, specially that of the Basque Country and Navarre , where he resided. Euskararen tresnak Elhuyar hiztegia. Sarrera batean klik eginez gero, haren ordainak eta adibideak ikusi ahal izango dira, baita azpisarrerak ere, beste hainbat informaziorekin batera. We work in the fields of science, artificial intelligence, languages, social improvement In other projects. The Elhuyar Environmental Communication Decalogue is presented to professionals and students in the field of science and communication February Authority control databases. Azpisarreretako adiera bakoitzean informazio hau ematen da:.

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