Dhirendra kumar value research profile
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Way back in the early 90s, when Dhirendra Kumar was just out of college, he managed to convince his parents to break a part of their fixed deposits and invest that money in mutual funds. Fortunately for Kumar, his parents backed their son's instinct and even more fortunately for them, the value of their investment sky rocketed in a mere 18 months. That was the starting point for Kumar's journey into the world of mutual funds. Value Research, the name of the firm founded by Kumar, was born after he received his first paycheck from a leading business daily for a bunch of articles on disinvestment. Value Research. It was not a well-thought-out thing," says Dhirendra recalling that day.
Dhirendra kumar value research profile
A fax machine and a printer: That is what Dhirendra Kumar, founder and chief executive officer of Value Research, considers his first-ever investment to be. He bought the equipment for Value Research, the company he founded in International stocks also form a part of his portfolio, through active mutual funds. Edited excerpts:. I did not invest in the initial period. I always had an idea that I have to invest and I have to save, but I never got an opportunity because I was too busy building Value Research and running a business. You can say that I was fully invested in equity, and that happened to be my company. I remember my first initial investment was buying a fax machine, which was quite an investment, or buying a printer. All my investment was happening in the company, acquiring assets, buying workspace and things like that. But, my initial investment for the first seven-eight years were only tax saving funds, and they were quite phenomenal investments.
SN: And have you been teaching your children how to manage their finances, do you discuss your work with them? Thanks for joining us on this podcast, Dhirendra. DK: Same principle.
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A fax machine and a printer: That is what Dhirendra Kumar, founder and chief executive officer of Value Research, considers his first-ever investment to be. He bought the equipment for Value Research, the company he founded in International stocks also form a part of his portfolio, through active mutual funds. Edited excerpts:. I did not invest in the initial period. I always had an idea that I have to invest and I have to save, but I never got an opportunity because I was too busy building Value Research and running a business. You can say that I was fully invested in equity, and that happened to be my company. I remember my first initial investment was buying a fax machine, which was quite an investment, or buying a printer.
Dhirendra kumar value research profile
Way back in the early 90s, when Dhirendra Kumar was just out of college, he managed to convince his parents to break a part of their fixed deposits and invest that money in mutual funds. Fortunately for Kumar, his parents backed their son's instinct and even more fortunately for them, the value of their investment sky rocketed in a mere 18 months. That was the starting point for Kumar's journey into the world of mutual funds. Value Research, the name of the firm founded by Kumar, was born after he received his first paycheck from a leading business daily for a bunch of articles on disinvestment. Value Research. It was not a well-thought-out thing," says Dhirendra recalling that day.
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Just that in , a lot of internet companies came. So, Rs I was making on cover price. So, I invested Rs 10, in the tax saving funds. This gave me an idea to launch a portfolio manager tool on Value Research which showed users what you actually owned by cutting through the clutter. That piece of work as well started getting published from that day onwards. It continued for the next decade. Start using Tracxn for free Sign up now. See full list of winners. In fact, the average life of my investment will be more than 15 years. Sign In to Read for Free.
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There was no business plan and there was no capital. Yes, absolutely. Read Today's Paper. Pick the best stocks for yourself. Tools and Calculators. The rigour of work to be done came because of that, it was entirely out of fear that it would be embarrassing. Hello and welcome to Moneycontrol Podcast. Remove some to bookmark this image. Sign In now. SN: Okay. Founder of this company?
You are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.