Cunning princess and the shark
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Yubei, a stunt actress, accidentally fell into the sea into the territory of the mersharks, the enemy of humans. To survive, she bluffed that she was a human princess. However, the prince never expected that after following Yubei on land and into the drastically changed human world, he would fall into a scam that she reluctantly arranged to take his teardrops so that she can save her father —— And so commences a chaotic historical princess theatrical drama…. You must Register or Login to post a comment. Remember Me. Lost your password?
Cunning princess and the shark
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Updated : Aug 22, - PM. View : 1. Rating :. Chapter name View Uploaded. Latest Newest Top view. ALL Completed Ongoing. ALL Action Adventure.
Cunning princess and the shark
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In case you don't know, Mangakakalot is a very cool responsive website and mobile-friendly, which means the images can be auto-resize to fit your pc or mobile screen. However, the prince never expected that after following Yubei on land and into the drastically changed human world, he would fall into a scam that she reluctantly arranged to take his teardrops so that she can save her father —— And so commences a chaotic historical princess theatrical drama…. Have a beautiful day! The Cunning Princess and the Shark. Submit Cancel. Lost your password? Read First Read Last. You must Register or Login to post a comment. Username or Email Address. The Bookmark button is a very simple way to get notifications when your favorite manga have new updates.
This theme is simply matchless :), it is interesting to me)))
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