

Roman secondary education aimed principally at training future lawyers and politicians, controversiae.

Seneca the Elder, Seneca the. Published by Harvard University Press, Seller Rating:. Contact seller. Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Within U.


AD 39 , also known as Seneca the Rhetorician , was a Roman writer, born of a wealthy equestrian family of Corduba , Hispania. He wrote a collection of reminiscences about the Roman schools of rhetoric , six books of which are extant in a more or less complete state and five others in epitome only. His principal work, a history of Roman affairs from the beginning of the Civil Wars until the last years of his life, is almost entirely lost to posterity. He was the father of Lucius Junius Gallio Annaeanus , best known as a Proconsul of Achaia; his second son was the dramatist and Stoic philosopher Seneca the Younger Lucius , who was tutor of Nero , and his third son, Marcus Annaeus Mela, became the father of the poet Lucan. Seneca the Elder is the first of the gens Annaea of whom there is definite knowledge. He noted that two of the elder Seneca's grandsons were called Marcus and since there was a Roman custom for boys to be given the name of their grandfather, Raphael adopted the name of Marcus for the elder Seneca. However it is now accepted that this naming custom was not rigid, and since in the manuscripts he is referred to as Lucius, many scholars now prefer this praenomen since it would also help explain why their works became so confused. Growing up in Spain of wealth and equestrian rank, Seneca the Elder here Seneca was a young contemporary of the venerable Roman orator Cicero , whose voice of advocacy he might have sought out were he reared in Italy. Instead, he was confined by wartime conditions to 'within the walls' of his 'own colony', [4] and there, presumably, he received his first schooling from a praeceptor teaching more than two hundred pupils. When Rome became safe after the Civil Wars, [6] Seneca travelled for lengthy stays there. He assiduously attended public declamations by teachers of rhetoric and professional orators—the process in those days by which young men trained for pursuing careers in advocacy and public administration. There is no evidence, however, that he pursued such a career himself. And he avoided notice of his writing a history of Rome 'From the beginning of the Civil Wars' through his own times, during the regime of Caligula. Instead, by testimony of the son Seneca from his De Vita Patris , his father remained all his life a private gentleman. Still, Seneca supported as honourable the political careers of his elder two sons, [7] and he spoke for the study of rhetoric as honourable even as he was fully aware of the dangers inherent in such careers: 'in which the very objectives sought after are to be feared'.

Condition: Very Good. Lang: - Latin, PagesPrint on Demand, controversiae.

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Incipiebat enim sedens, et si quando ilium produxerat calor exsurgere audebat. Ilia intempestiva in declamationibus eius philosophia sine modo tunc et sine fine evagabatur; raro totam controversiam implebat: non posses dicere divisionem esse, non posses declamationem; tamquam declamationi M multum deerat, tamquam divisioni multum supererat. Cum populo diceret, omnes vires suas advocabat et ideo non desinebat. Saepe declamante. You keep on at me every day about Albucius. But those who did regretted showing him this attention; he was one man when he entrusted himself to a crowd, another when he contented himself with a small audience. He used to start off sitting down, and if his passion carried him on he would venture to get up. But whenever he spoke in public he used to summon up all his powers,. More Contact Us How to Subscribe. Advanced Search Help.


Nec ad conplectenda tantum quae vellem velox mihi erat memoria, sed etiam ad continenda quae acceperat solebat bonae fidei esse: 1 nunc et aetate quassata et longa desidia, quae iuvenilem quoque animum dissolvit, eo perducta est ut, etiamsi potest aliquid praestare. Diu ab illa nihil repetivi: nunc quia iubetis quid possit experiar et illam omni cura scrutabor. Ex parte enim bene spero: nam quaecumque apud illam aut puer aut iuvenis deposui, quasi recentia aut 3M modo audita sine cunctatione profert; at si qua illi intra proximos annos commisi, sic perdidit et amisit ut, etiamsi saepius ingerantur, totiens tamen tam- 4 quam nova audiam. Ita ex memoria mea quantum vobis satis sit superest; neque enim de his me interrogatis quos ipsi audistis, sed de his qui ad vos usque non pervenerunt.

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View Table. His principal work, a history of Roman affairs from the beginning of the Civil Wars until the last years of his life, is almost entirely lost to posterity. Tell us what you're looking for and once a match is found, we'll inform you by e-mail. Brill's New Pauly Online. Lucius Annaeus Seneca Rhetor. Catalogs, Flyers and Price Lists. Albucius Silus too was influential—as the author of a textbook that Quintilian cited several times. Condition: Como nuevo. Purchase will be processed in American Dollars. A Companion to Roman Rhetoric.

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Mission Statement. A perfect gift for your loved ones. Other access options. From Germany to U. Authority control databases. Annaei Senecae. Opera M. Reprinted from edition. AD Binding tight and pages crisp. Sharp corners and spine straight. Brill mentis. There were two types of such speeches: controversiae on law-court themes, suasoriae on deliberative topics. Dust jacket is very good with light shelf wear.

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