body count tiktok

Body count tiktok

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Other variations include people saying what they could buy if their body count translated to dollars, and yet another includes people going up to strangers or, in other cases, their high school classmates and asking them about their body counts. In some cases, they even resort to stereotypes. While videos of this on YouTube can feature both guys and girls, on TikTok, it seems the most popular body count videos appear to feature mostly girls and young women. As with everything on the internet, things should be taken with a grain of salt. But there are many videos floating around with people boasting body counts in the double or even triple digits. In one case, one person claimed their number was in the four-digit realm. One encounter was met while she was in jail.

Body count tiktok


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The popular app TikTok is probably known best for its weird trends and challenges. Users on the app have come under fire for things like faking seizures to Juice WRLD's "Lucid Dream" before he actually died of a seizure and complaining about the friendzone by welcoming people to "Simp nation. But in new and equally uncomfortable TikTok trends, users are now asking strangers for their body count — and it's just as weird as it sounds. Here's what it actually means. No, we're not referring to how many people one person has killed. What people define as "sex" differs from person to person, but it generally refers to sexual intercourse, though some include other sexual acts in their definition, increasing their body count.

Body count tiktok

I am thrilled to say nobody has ever asked me what my body count is. But fortunately, nobody has unambiguously, outrightly, asked me about my body count. But what exactly is a body count? While traditionally referring to the number of people killed in a conflict or disaster, the phrase has taken on a whole new meaning in modern-day vernacular. Now, it just refers to the number of people you have had sex with in your life. Much of the discourse that surrounds body count is misogynistic, revolving around shaming women for having slept with multiple people. All the idiocy would disappear, all the degeneracy would disappear, families would return. After all, a quarter of young men aged between 18 and 29 who had heard of Tate agreed with his views on how women should be treated, with as many as 28 per cent of men between 30 and 39 backing his outlook on women.

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Infinite Scroll. In the case of heroincommunist, she has lots of videos detailing her experience with drug use and relapse. He boasted a count of more than 1, At the same time, she has a video where she shares how she was sexually harassed by a family friend, when he made her, as a 12 year old girl, sit on his lap while holding her waist and rubbing her thigh, while telling her how beautiful she was going to grow up to be. You must login or signup first! Stephen A. Inspired by blondiesunday's video, other TikTokers started using the filter in the days following. Why the High Numbers? It hosts a plethora of subreddits dedicated exclusively to porn, with one source listing subreddits for porn, and another claiming there are just under 4, of them. One article going over the results of the study concluded that the average was a body count of just three. By August 18th, , the filter [1] had amassed roughly 52, videos using it. A more formal study was conducted with young adults with the average age being 21 , who said that in a long-term partner, both men and women would want their partner to not have a large, extensive history. Have people always been this promiscuous?

You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. The Body Count Detector is a TikTok filter that guesses a person's "body count," as in how many people they've slept with in their life. It was created in mid and inspired lots of usage going into the remainder of the year.

View All Related Entries. Don't have an account? My Mom Met My Dad. Let us know what you love and what else you want to see from us in the official Evie reader survey. View All Videos. In her video, she shows her body count at the end of every month in , which adds up to by the end of the year. Shaming them does nothing but alienate them. Infinite Scroll. Sign up for our Newsletter. Mental Age Test. The more sexual partners a woman had before marriage, the less happy she reported her marriage to be.

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