bindi colour meanings

Bindi colour meanings

The bindi, which has been representing wisdom and concentration for centuries, bindi colour meanings, is something we simply distinguish as the dot on the forehead of Indian women. That said, what does it really mean? Is the famous Indian red dot still mandatory in bindi colour meanings The bindi comes in different names: the Third Eye, the tikli, or sometimes in the western world, the red dot.

Because of the many languages and dialects spoken throughout India, it is important to note that bindis are otherwise known by many other names, including kumkum, sindoor, teep, tikli and bottu. However, the meaning behind the ornament, regardless of region or language, remains the same. Continue reading Around BC, the rishi-muni ancient seers of Hinduism wrote the Vedas, in which they described the existence of areas of concentrated energy called the chakras. Hindu tradition holds that all people have a third inner eye. The two physical eyes are used for seeing the external world, while the third focuses inward toward God. The bindi, especially a red-colored one, also serves as an auspicious sign of marriage.

Bindi colour meanings

A simple tradition which started with roots so deep in spirituality, has now taken an altogether different aspect and is presently worn to express more of our fashionable quotient. Firstly, Bindi is not associated with women only, but men too used to put a Bindi on their forehead, more popularly known as Tilak. Hindu men put Tilak on their foreheads on auspicious occasions or while praying to God. Point to note here is that, this Varna System has nothing to do with the caste politics that is preached or executed today. Infact it was based on the roles of a person in the society and not merely on birth. So Brahmins , who at that time were considered as teachers and priests, used to wear a White Sandalwood Tilak on their forehead. White being the color of purity and of divinity, suited this categorization. Kshatriya or Raajputs, used to wear a Red Tilak on their forehead, as they belong to the class of Kings , warriors, ministers and administrators. Red being the color of passion, courage and of heroism, deserve nothing less than belonging to Kshatriya Varna. A Yellow Tilak was used by the Vaishya Varna of the society, as they were the businessmen, traders and man of the markets, in the society. Yellow being the color of practicality and prosperity was chosen for Vaishya Varna. Shudra Varna of society, which was the service class of society, adorned Black Tilak on their forehead. This tilak has more to do with availability and inexpensiveness of color black, as ashes to peasant class, with respect to expensive sandalwood and kumkum. Black color was used to denote service class.

Though not all Hindus are vegetarian, for this reason many traditionally abstain from eating beef.

A bindi is a bright dot of some colour applied in the centre of the forehead close to the eyebrows or in the middle of the forehead that is worn in the Indian subcontinent particularly amongst Hindus in India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Nepal , Bhutan , and Sri Lanka [3] and Southeast Asia among Balinese , Filipino , Javanese , Sundanese , Malaysian , Singaporean , Vietnamese , and Myanmar Hindus. A similar marking is also worn by babies and children in China and, as in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, represents the opening of the third eye. Bindu is the point or dot around which the mandala is created, representing the universe. Traditionally, the area between the eyebrows where the bindi is placed is said to be the sixth chakra , ajna , the seat of "concealed wisdom". The bindi is said to retain energy and strengthen concentration. The Ajna is symbolised by a sacred lotus with two petals, and corresponds to the colours violet, indigo or deep blue, though it is traditionally described as white. It is at this point that the two sides Nadi Ida yoga and Pingala are said to terminate and merge with the central channel Sushumna, signifying the end of duality, the characteristic of being dual e.

A bindi is an auspicious mark worn by young girls and women in India. The origin of the bindi can be found in ancient times but has lost this significance in modern life and is mostly worn all over the world as an accessory. However, bindis have a special significance even today in the Indian tradition. Men also wear a Tilak during pujas prayers or religious ceremonies in India. There are many reasons as to why this practice started. Widows in India do not wear bindi normally, but they are allowed to wear a black coloured one in Southern India, showing their loss. However, young girls are free to wear bindi of any color. Every morning a Hindu takes a bath and sits in prayer just to seek the absolute truth through every prayer. However, it is true that one cannot sit in prayer the whole day.

Bindi colour meanings

The enigmatic bindi, the tiny dot splashed on the forehead, is more than just a decorative bindi for Indian women — it carries many meanings and purposes. While the aesthetic appeal and fashion trends prompt some women to don the bindi, for others, it signifies much more. The bindi has been a religious symbol connecting women to the divine for centuries. The bindi represents intuition, wisdom, and spiritual power as a third eye. It denotes transcendence from the material world through this all-seeing eye. Even today, many women wear the bindi as a sign of devotion and faith, seeking protection from the goddess Lakshmi. Beyond religious purposes, the bindi is a cultural identifier for Indian women.

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Log in now. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bindi. A small annular disc aids application for beginners. The word bindi comes from ancient Sanskrit texts on face decoration and has been worn by Hindu women since the 3rd and 4th centuries. One of these threads is the number Retrieved 26 April The symbolic import of dogs is further driven in connection with Dattatreya, as he is commonly depicted with four of them to represent the Vedas, the Yugas, the stages of sound, and the inner forces of a human being will, faculty, hope, and desire. Retrieved 25 July Retrieved 9 January That is not to say that the bindi is obsolete, but its religious and marital status purposes are not as prominent as before. Search Close this window. In the Mahabharata, Yudhisthira, his brothers, and the queen Draupadi renounced their kingdom to ascend to the heavens.

The bindi is a small but meaningful symbol with deep historical roots.

As Hindu American populations grew in metropolitan and rural areas, so did the need to find a permanent temple site for worship. Hindus believe the body holds seven chakras, or pools of energy, which begin at the bottom of the spine and go all the way down to the top of the head and it is believed there are energy lines that converge to form the heart chakra. A simple tradition which started with roots so deep in spirituality, has now taken an altogether different aspect and is presently worn to express more of our fashionable quotient. Bindis are sometimes worn purely for decorative purpose or style statement without any religious or cultural affiliation. That is not to say that the bindi is obsolete, but its religious and marital status purposes are not as prominent as before. Now that you are a pro in bindis and tilakas, you will be able to comfortably distinguish them. However, you have to be careful to not miss your shot the first time, because the stickiness will wear out if you try to stick it more than once. Hinduism Beyond Africa. It is at this point that the two sides Nadi Ida yoga and Pingala are said to terminate and merge with the central channel Sushumna, signifying the end of duality, the characteristic of being dual e. From ancient tribes to present-day devotees, tattoos have held a special place in Hinduism for centuries.

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