bearded dragon dark beard

Bearded dragon dark beard

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Has your bearded dragon turned black? There are a number of reasons why this may be happening. This article provides an overview of these reasons and how to address them. Bearded dragons will change color for various reasons, some of which are normal while others are not. Understanding why your bearded dragon turned black will require some detective work by you. I believe we should treat color change as a message our bearded dragons give us about their well-being.

Bearded dragon dark beard

Not only are they known for their quirky personalities, but they also have a secret weapon in their arsenal—the infamous beard! When love is in the air or in the terrarium , male bearded dragons pull out all the stops. During mating season, these fellas puff up their beards and turn them jet-black, hoping to impress the ladies. They even do a little head-bobbing dance! Sometimes, the ladies respond with a regal wave. Just like us, bearded dragons have those days when they feel a bit grumpy. On these gruff days, they might puff up their beard and show off their macho black look. However, if you put a mirror in front of them, you might see the same puffed up reaction. Be aware they might feel a bit self-conscious and stressed, so be mindful of their feelings! Even the happiest dragons can have their off days. Look out for other signs like:. High-stress situations can lead to a black beard in our bearded buddies.

Keep in mind, though, that black beards are not always a definitive symptom of illness in a bearded dragon.

They read on a forum that a black beard means your beardie is toast and they freak out! This guide is going to cover all the likely reasons why bearded dragon beards turn black. This will allow you to accurately diagnose the cause, and make adjustments if needed. Some of them are pretty harmless, and others are more concerning. If this is something your beardie is going through right now, use this list as a starting point to see what causes are a possibility.

That said, is this truly something that you need to be worried about? However, knowing the exact cause is still important if you want to prevent it from becoming something serious. Without further ado, here are 12 potential reasons why your bearded dragon has a black beard. A rapidly darkening beard is a clear sign that your bearded dragon, whether male or female, feels unsafe or under threat. It works because a darker jaw area makes them more threatening and intimidating to other animals, particularly other bearded dragons. Here are some reasons why your bearded dragon may feel threatened or scared:. If your male bearded dragon is older than six months, you may also notice its beard turning black around spring or summer , which is when most bearded dragons enter the mating season. There are two main reasons for this. The other is simply to impress a female beardie with this mating display and hopefully get chosen by her. Both male and female bearded dragons do this as part of their courtship behavior, though females tend to be more subtle about it.

Bearded dragon dark beard

Please see our disclosure to learn more. When you think of the phrase black beard you might conjure up the mental image of a fictional pirate. Bearded dragons are named because they have a spiky beard that puffs up occasionally when something is amiss. So what causes a bearded dragon to have a black beard? Like most of their behaviors , several things can cause it, but we are going to help you learn what they are and how to identify them. This is pretty self-explanatory, but as we mentioned above, beardies have a spiky area on their neck that puffs up for different reasons. This puffing can happen at any time but when it turns black and puffs is indicative that there are issues in their environment. Any of these things can cause that big puff up and the blackening of their beard, but as long as you keep an eye on them and their environment you should be able to figure out the cause pretty quickly.

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The dark beard also serves to scare away predators; it may be accompanied by hissing and a gaping mouth to make a specimen look larger and more impressive. Also, make sure that you provide hiding places for your bearded dragon. To combat the cold, they darken their skin and beard to soak up solar heat or UV-B rays. When love is in the air or in the terrarium , male bearded dragons pull out all the stops. Usually they are trying to tell you they are stressed or sick. To begin with, bearded dragons will change color due to environmental factors. Males have a darker beard than females and will use this as a way to show off how suitable they would be as a mate. However, most of them are pretty easy to check off the list. If you think your female beardie has turned black because it is egg-bound, you need to take it to a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible. Also, make sure to look for the other signs of head bobbing or foot-stomping before you attribute the black beard to courtship behavior. It is important that you provide your bearded dragon with the proper husbandry that it deserves.

They read on a forum that a black beard means your beardie is toast and they freak out! This guide is going to cover all the likely reasons why bearded dragon beards turn black. This will allow you to accurately diagnose the cause, and make adjustments if needed.

Our best advice is to look at their recent activity and use your best judgment. While your pet is getting used to its new home, avoid handling or disturbing it until it becomes more acclimated. As you can see, there are many possibilities. The following temperatures are recommended:. They also have the ability to darken the areas, turning them gunmetal-gray or jet-black. Keep in mind, though, that black beards are not always a definitive symptom of illness in a bearded dragon. Both male and female dragons will puff out and blacken their beards as a sign of aggression or to demonstrate that they wanting to be left alone. However, most of them are pretty easy to check off the list. Gut impaction is a common but serious issue that can cause death in severe cases. This situation should be uncommon as most bearded dragons that are available today are captive-bred. Like It Here?

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