

Error: This is required. Error: Not a valid arpansa. Common sources of ionising radiation include X-rays, CT scans and naturally occurring radioactive materials. Common sources of non-ionising radiation include the sun, mobile phones, arpansa, base stations and power lines.

Both ionising and non-ionising radiation is present in Australia, and can be found from man-made sources, or in natural sources as background radiation. Unlike natural background radiation, there are several risks involved with radiation and nuclear services when used for medical purposes, including increased cancer prevalence. From —, the authorising body governing radiation in Australia was the Commonwealth X-Ray and Radium Laboratory. This was replaced by the Commonwealth Radiation Laboratory — , and then the Australian Radiation Laboratory — ARPANSA consults other health agencies globally, as well as research from relevant disciplines, and forms the standards based on this evidence. ARPANSA monitors compliance with their regulations and standards through regular inspections of radiological businesses. The agency also aids Australian citizens by publishing daily solar ultraviolet radiation UVR levels for many locations in Australia.



Illawarra Mercury.


As part of its role as a regulator and health advisor, ARPANSA develops Australian-specific codes, standards and guides to support effective radiation regulation across all jurisdictions. ARPANSA also represents Australia on international committees tasked with developing standards and safety guides outlining international best practice. From time to time, we invite submissions on draft documents before publication to obtain stakeholder input into regulatory and guidance documents. ARPANSA also engages in consultation on significant license applications to ensure community voices are heard and stakeholder input is considered in key regulatory decisions. The draft document is viewable below or can be downloaded here. The Review Cycle for edition of the We protect the Australian people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation through understanding risks, best practice regulation, research, policy, services, partnerships and engaging with the community. The object of the safety guide is to provide guidance on provisions that should be made in the design of nuclear power plants to protect site personnel, the public and the environment against What is the purpose of the guide?


Error: This is required. Error: Not a valid value. Common sources of ionising radiation include X-rays, CT scans and naturally occurring radioactive materials. Common sources of non-ionising radiation include the sun, mobile phones, base stations and power lines.

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Do you have a concern about how much exposure there may be from the sun or an artificial ultraviolet radiation UVR source? Federal Register of Legislation. Your email: is required Error: This is required Error: Not a valid value. Retrieved 2 October For more information, please visit the links below: Chrome by Google Firefox by Mozilla Microsoft Edge Safari by Apple You are welcome to continue browsing this site with this browser. There is no established evidence that microwave ovens cause any health effects when used according to the manufacturer's instructions and maintained in good working order. Download as PDF Printable version. Your name: is required Error: This is required. Please check and try again Agree to Terms required. ISSN Energy in Australia. The small amount of radioactive material in some smoke alarms is not a risk to health. The millimetre wave technology used for passenger screening in Australian international gateway airports does not pose a health risk.

Both ionising and non-ionising radiation is present in Australia, and can be found from man-made sources, or in natural sources as background radiation. Unlike natural background radiation, there are several risks involved with radiation and nuclear services when used for medical purposes, including increased cancer prevalence. From —, the authorising body governing radiation in Australia was the Commonwealth X-Ray and Radium Laboratory.

Please enter your name Please enter your email Your email is invalid. Toggle limited content width. You are welcome to continue browsing this site with this browser. Your email: is required Error: This is required Error: Not a valid value. Error: Not a valid value. Sydney Morning Herald. The ARPANSA program of work entails four key strategic activities that guide their priorities and contribute to delivering radiation protection and nuclear safety outcomes to the Australian community:. Thank you for sharing our content. The Nuclear Safety Committee reviews and assesses the effectiveness of the current standards and codes, and to advise the CEO of any issues relating to nuclear safety. In , the director general of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, Petteri Tiipana, stated that "Australia has demonstrated a strong commitment to continuous improvement in nuclear and radiation safety and in regulatory oversight of such facilities and activities". Illawarra Mercury. For more information, please visit the links below: Chrome by Google Firefox by Mozilla Microsoft Edge Safari by Apple You are welcome to continue browsing this site with this browser.

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