antonyms of affectionately

Antonyms of affectionately

Affectionately is an adverb that denotes warmth, fondness, and tender feelings towards someone or something, antonyms of affectionately. The antonyms for affectionately are terms that describe a lack of emotion, indifference, or even negativity.

Words related to affectionately are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word affectionately. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. A liberal's conception of tolerance presupposes what we once affectionately called "the Enlightenment. Pauline Phillips, known affectionately to the nation by her pen name Abigail Van Buren, died Wednesday at age Here the speaker, putting her hand before her mouth, coughed again, and looked affectionately at the elder Mr. He inclosed a check to his mother, and hoped she would affectionately remember him to all his friends.

Antonyms of affectionately

Affectionately synonyms, affectionately antonyms - FreeThesaurus. Based on WordNet 3. References in periodicals archive? Few politicians made a greater impact on Birmingham, even fewer will be remembered so affectionately. Rex Harrington. LiveJournal--or LJ, as many affectionately call it--is a popular blog that allows people to keep a running diary about their lives, their opinions, or anything else they want to post. Online with live bears: the popular blog LiveJournal has become an international gathering place for bears. And we're not talking about cave-dwelling creatures. Envisioning peace for the Middle East. Jefferson, affectionately called T. Much ado about Munich: Thomas G. Jefferson is on assignment in southern Germany.

Then they felt strengthened in prayer, and smiling affectionately at each other, would depart to their homes, greatly comforted. Weak matches adoringly appreciatively ardently attentively considerately devotedly dotingly endearingly antonyms of affectionately fervently generously impassionedly kindly loyally rapturously yearningly. Words related to affectionately are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word affectionately.

A flexitarian way of eating consists mainly of vegetarian food but with some meat. Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Synonyms and antonyms of affectionate in English. These are words and phrases related to affectionate. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of affectionate.

Synonyms: dear , dearly , in a heartfelt way. Me and my friends, we affectionately call Pope Francis the first 'Hip-Hop Pope,' he does things that the hip-hop culture gravitates to He's a fly person, he speaks his mind, he speaks his heart. That's what hip-hop is. Johanna Rode-Margono :. Javan warty pigs are of a similar body size to European wild boar but are a bit more slender and have longer heads, males have three pairs of enormous warts on their faces. Walt Whitman, Preface to Leaves of Grass, :. The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it. The affectionately named' rubber ring' concept proposes a new central hub around the old' control tower' with hotel foyer, restaurant, banqueting space and spa. Staffers are available by phone at Press 1 , online at VeteransCrisisLine.

Antonyms of affectionately

Words related to affectionately are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word affectionately. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. A liberal's conception of tolerance presupposes what we once affectionately called "the Enlightenment. Pauline Phillips, known affectionately to the nation by her pen name Abigail Van Buren, died Wednesday at age Here the speaker, putting her hand before her mouth, coughed again, and looked affectionately at the elder Mr. He inclosed a check to his mother, and hoped she would affectionately remember him to all his friends. Then they felt strengthened in prayer, and smiling affectionately at each other, would depart to their homes, greatly comforted. No, said the old lady; I will tell her that, and pressing her sons hand affectionately, she hastened from the room. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.

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Dolshey, as it has been affectionately named by locals, will be released back into the wilds at the boat club in Clifden this afternoon at three o'clock. Fred US English. Branding in Bolivia. Choose a dictionary. British and American pronunciations with audio. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Weak matches benevolently compatibly cordially emotionally feelingly harmoniously heartily humanely kindheartedly perceptively responsively softheartedly understandingly warmheartedly. Industry: TIFF turns Friendly , as said of persons, signifies having the disposition of a friend; as said of acts, it signifies befitting or worthy of a friend. Word of the Day. Tell us about this example sentence:.

Usage note: often in the plural; formerly followed by to, but now more generally by for or toward s ; as, filial, social, or conjugal affections; to have an affection for or towards children. Synonyms: attachment , passion , fondness , tenderness , kindness , love.

She seems to like people and loves being in laps. Full browser? English—Portuguese Portuguese—English. Nearby words. Antonyms unkindly. Choose your language. Read More. Zira US English. Synonyms Antonyms. She's very cuddly, she's very affectionate, and she's very sweet, her experiences have not made her into an attack cat.

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