akane tendo

Akane tendo

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However, she's also hot-tempered , very insecure, finds the Arranged Marriage situation very awkward and is notoriously stubborn, which means there are times she's come off as having a Hair-Trigger Temper toward Ranma Saotome. In general, though, they do get on well enough although Ranma recurrently mocks her most sensitive spots, and Akane sometimes gives as good as she gets , she frequently helps him out or cheers for him, and is just as willing to make heroic sacrifices for him as he is for her. Promised to marry Ranma alongside her sisters as per their parents' agreement from an early age, Akane is ultimately chosen as his betrothed ahead of her sisters, albeit very reluctantly. She's also quite popular with boys, as she's considered the most beautiful girl at school, though this is an aspect that she pays little attention to; this also happens to make her the very reluctant object of an Unwanted Harem herself which mirrors Ranma's own. After all, she could defeat every single male of her school every morning. Sadly, she's Overshadowed by Awesome. A-Cup Angst : Whilst it's not a constant recurring theme, Akane isn't happy with her breast size at all.

Akane tendo

Akane's mother died when she was very young. Perhaps because of this, she appears not to have learned many traditionally feminine skills, and her terrible cooking is a running joke during the series as nearly everything she cooks ends up making people sick, except for her curry. Akane may see Kasumi Tendo Akane's older sister as a surrogate mother figure, since she helps her with more traditionally feminine chores. Akane grows up as a tomboy, getting into fights, acting tough, and improving her martial arts. In elementary school, her classmates thought she was so much like a boy that she was cast to play Romeo in their production of Romeo and Juliet : Akane accepts the role and plays a very cute Romeo, though deep down she always wanted to be cast as Juliet, a wish that she'll have fulfilled only years later though she would have four different Romeos fighting for her. At the beginning of the series Akane has a crush on Dr. Tofu Ono , who patched her up many times when she got into fights. Unfortunately for Akane, Dr. Tofu is in love with Kasumi. In an attempt to get his attention, Akane grew out her hair longer like Kasumi's.

Akane tendo she gravitates towards violently expressing her wrath by attempting to bludgeon him with random objects or hit him with a punch or quick much quicker than she does with other people outside of Happosai and Tatewaki Kuno. The king example is probably one of Viz Video's deliberately exaggerated liner noteswhere Akane hits Ranma with a car a Honda Accord, specifically, akane tendo.


This is the original depiction of Akane Tendo, as created by Rumiko Takahashi. Akane is one of the three daughters of Soun and Mrs. She is sixteen years old and Kasumi , her eldest sister is nineteen years old with her middle sister, Nabiki being seventeen years old. The agreement between Soun and Genma was that one of the three would marry Genma's son, Ranma. However the two older girls demurr the arranged engagement more or less obliging Akane to fulfill its requirements. Their excuses were that Akane and Ranma are the same age, sixteen, and it is Akane who practices martial arts. Neither of the older girls are the least bit interested in being martial artists, let alone the wife of a martial artist. Akane is the only one of the three who is even slightly interested in the Martial Arts. Despite being extremely hostile towards Ranma initially, she eventually comes to harbor romantic feelings for Ranma.

Akane tendo

Akane's mother died when she was very young. Perhaps because of this, she appears not to have learned many traditionally feminine skills, and her terrible cooking is a running joke during the series as nearly everything she cooks ends up making people sick, except for her curry. Akane may see Kasumi Tendo Akane's older sister as a surrogate mother figure, since she helps her with more traditionally feminine chores. Akane grows up as a tomboy, getting into fights, acting tough, and improving her martial arts. In elementary school, her classmates thought she was so much like a boy that she was cast to play Romeo in their production of Romeo and Juliet : Akane accepts the role and plays a very cute Romeo, though deep down she always wanted to be cast as Juliet, a wish that she'll have fulfilled only years later though she would have four different Romeos fighting for her. At the beginning of the series Akane has a crush on Dr. Tofu Ono , who patched her up many times when she got into fights. Unfortunately for Akane, Dr.

Messing diaper

At the beginning of the series she had long hair, but after it was cut off during a fight between Ryoga Hibiki and Ranma, she kept it short for the rest of the series [2]. It's referenced multiple times throughout the series Although the iconic mallet itself is actually quite rare in canon , she happily substitutes with a wide array of implausible improvised offensives that include shinais, bokken, the dining room table, her schoolbag, books, park benches, stone garden ornaments Although in the anime this was also due to sustaining a follow-up beating from Kuno and Ryoga. She's even been shown fraternizing with local children well on numerous occasions. For example, in the story where Nodoka attempts to teach Akane to cook, she's shown attacking a bunch of carrots for the stirfry with a cleaver. See also: Ranma-Akane Relationship. Jerkass Has a Point : She might have a Hair-Trigger Temper where Ranma is concerned and rarely if ever bothers hearing him out instead of just jumping to conclusions but she isn't wrong in losing her temper with him a lot of the time. However, in the Pink and Link arc, he actually does break both legs due to combination of poisoning and absorbing a massive fall while carrying four girls, and it is stated that it will just take about a week for him to recover, so this is a decent gauge. Regardless, Akane states that she heard him somehow, and willingly takes part in the planned surprise wedding in the final chapters of the manga.

She died an unexplained death when Akane was very young.

Finally, during the storyline where Nodoka offers to teach Akane how to cook, she is shown being aghast when she learns that Ranma is a better cook than she is, furiously redoubling her efforts at the humiliation of being shown up in cooking by a boy. Expy : Akane is basically what Shinobu Miyake, the intended main heroine of Rumiko's early manga Urusei Yatsura , would have been if the latter was never Demoted to Extra. Akane's relationship with Ukyo is similar to her relationship with Shampoo, though less heated. Current Wiki. Ranma: Y-you idiot! All whilst being surrounded by exotic and often more attractive female rivals. Ranma has been on intense training journeys with his extraordinarily proficient father since he was at most 2 years old, implicitly spending much time away from more normal activities such as school work. They are primarily associated with the anime continuity. Once, during one of the aforementioned swim classes, she figured she could just kick off real hard from the edge of the pool and propel herself across that way; instead, she kicked a huge hole through the wall despite having zero support or leverage while underwater. Don't have an account? He then tries again and succeeds halfway through the arc. So she successfully blackmail's Prince Kirin's crew by threatening to dump their food supplies overboard Hidden Depths : Akane's most fundamental desire is to get along with Ranma.

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