You can never be overdressed or overeducated
There aren't many quotes that aren't incessantly reposted, generally overused or copiously sprinkled with glitter and unicorns on a small plaque.
Another great quote from Oscar Wilde. One of the things I notice and have experienced myself, before I took on my extensive study of colour and style, is that we are not taught the science of style at school. Some of us are lucky enough to have had a good mentor growing up, who had style, who could steer you on the path to your own style. You may even be one of the lucky ones who was born with style and have a gift for the art of it. This is where the education part comes in and really earns its keep. As someone who grew up without style, or any style mentors. And who spent hours sewing her own clothes after choosing the pattern because I liked how it looked on the model on the pattern cover ….
You can never be overdressed or overeducated
Within my job I go into schools and complete observations of children aged years. I introduced myself to the class teacher, explaining he should completely ignore me and not draw attention. Grass and heels are irrelevant. I found a bench and sat making notes. Did the child notice me? There are so many components within life that make things challenging, why do we let our clothes restrict us? Right now are you wearing a wardrobe that you feel good in? For the majority of the time, wear what makes you feel fabulous! They seek sources of information from various places, compare and reach their own conclusions. To be over educated is impossible — whilst the world spins and new theories are born, there is always something different to learn. Humans who have been recognised as leaders in their field, such as Einstein often dedicated their lives to destroying old theories, asking bigger questions and not settling for mainstream concepts. My hope for everyone is that you never stop learning. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Share this: Twitter Facebook.
Lena 9 books view quotes. And who spent hours sewing her own clothes after choosing the pattern because I liked how it looked on the model on the pattern cover …. Zuliate 1, books view quotes.
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Another great quote from Oscar Wilde. One of the things I notice and have experienced myself, before I took on my extensive study of colour and style, is that we are not taught the science of style at school. Some of us are lucky enough to have had a good mentor growing up, who had style, who could steer you on the path to your own style. You may even be one of the lucky ones who was born with style and have a gift for the art of it. This is where the education part comes in and really earns its keep. As someone who grew up without style, or any style mentors. And who spent hours sewing her own clothes after choosing the pattern because I liked how it looked on the model on the pattern cover ….
You can never be overdressed or overeducated
The page includes 80 of the very best great Oscar Wilde quotes see our take on the very best Oscar Wilde love quotes here. Oscar Wilde was the toast of Victorian London. Not only was he the most popular playwright of West End theatreland, he was also a colourful and flamboyant man-about-London, welcomed everywhere for his amusing speeches and lectures. His novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray , is one of the iconic novels of the late 19th century. Wilde was born in Ireland and located to London in early adulthood, He is often referred to as an English writer and these days he is regarded as a national treasure in both countries. Shakespeare apart, he is, without doubt, the most quoted of writers in the English language. And always amusing, while being thought-provoking. Let us know in the comments section below! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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Nov 23, AM. Feb 01, PM. Jan 04, PM. Post comment. Vanilla 11 books view quotes. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. The concern obviously, especially for future generations will know not of practising methods to withhold all relevant! Abigail books view quotes. Largo books view quotes. They lived during a period of austerity where ration ruled - not fashion. Curt 11 books view quotes.
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Post not marked as liked 4. Fishbones 7 books view quotes. Now with the addition of elastane, they are often as comfortable as wearing your athleisure gear! Feb 05, PM. Nov 17, PM. I showed up in either cocktail or fancy dress and now all the chaperones make an effort to look stylish, dressy and festive! Ninde books view quotes. Dec 12, PM. Kathleen books view quotes. Black and white is always gorgeous, it can cover a multitude of sins and hints at a beautiful nostalgia. Dec 04, PM. Mick books view quotes. Inferred from his famous quote, no amount of knowledge is going to do you any harm, nor is dressing well. Largo books view quotes. Marie Fae books view quotes.
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