wtf memes

Wtf memes

On this page, wtf memes, you'll find a wide selection of WTF images as well as WTF videos of insane craziness from around the world. They are still funny as hell.

On this page, you'll find a wide selection of WTF images as well as WTF videos of insane craziness from around the world. They are still funny as hell. Chances are that you probably have a couple of WTF meme gifs that you use on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media. The best funny WTF pictures and memes are those that come out of nowhere. Epic fail moments make for funny WTF memes and often go viral. Have you ever gone to the beach and seen a horse running along in purple pajamas?

Wtf memes


You know who you are. We regularly post new funny WTF memes and pictures.


WTF is a phrase or acronym we often encounter in everyday life, but Reddit is perhaps the best place to find the true meaning of the term. Reserved for things that leave us shocked and confused, the term "WTF" embodies just how strange and unexplainable the world can be. However, we're pretty glad this sub exists, because now we can see every disturbing thing this world has to offer, all without context which somehow makes them even better. So if you're ready to be overwhelmed with concern and confusion, we've gathered up the best images from Redditors who surely know how to make you think "WTF? Take a look at some of our favorite images from the subreddit below. Source: Reddit. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. Sign up Now! Like us on Facebook!

Wtf memes

WTF is a shorthand expression for "what the fuck? The online usage of its acronym WTF can be traced to Usenet newsgroups in the s, with the earliest iteration in a discussion thread about The Grateful Dead, which was posted via net. I still say, "WTF, over?

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WTFriday is going on here?! Login Sign up. Male Female Other. Mistakenly referred to as "Why the Face" by acronym-challenged parents. Male Female Other. Bookmark this page and check back often. WTF did I just see??? Have you ever gone to the beach and seen a horse running along in purple pajamas? That's the stuff that WTF memes are made of. An exclamation used to show extreme surprise or confusion. An exclamation used to show extreme surprise or confusion. Phrase 1.


We regularly post new funny WTF memes and pictures. They are still funny as hell. That's the stuff that WTF memes are made of. WTF is going on at Amazon? Bookmark this page and check back often. Chances are that you probably have a couple of WTF meme gifs that you use on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media. Hmmm… Why Is This on the Internet? Let us know! Let us know! How about clouds that look like elephants? Have you ever gone to the beach and seen a horse running along in purple pajamas? Everyone loves random WTF memes, so be sure to share our posts with your friends, family, and even your co-workers. All Articles Galleries Videos Submits.

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