

One of the primary goals of the exhibition is to reach the widest possible audience and create an arena for dialogue, worldwall.

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Teacher Printables Interactives. Sign Up To Start Creating. Easy as Create a customized resource with just a few words and a few clicks. Find out about our templates Select a template to learn more. Match up. Drag and drop each keyword next to its definition. A series of multiple choice questions. Tap the correct answer to proceed. Random cards.


Community English Games Examples from our community. Video games Army. Wheel of Games Random wheel by Ha G4 Games. Number words 1 to 20 in reverse Wordsearch by Yousefito Name That Emotion!! Quiz by Adark G1 G2 G3 games Science. Everything Self-Control True or false by Adark Short Vowels Gameshow quiz by Yousefito

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Nonviolent Resistance presents the notion of using nonviolent means to create a societal transformation, to parallel the systems of the mainstream and create a psychic and political structure of transformation. Test yourself using cards with prompts on the front and answers on the back. Explore a series of two sided tiles by tapping to zoom and swiping to flip. She realized however, that in addition to being able to imagine nuclear destruction, we must also be able to imagine peace, particularly as an active rather than passive concept. Drag and drop words to rearrange each sentence into its correct order. Let them succeed in turning it into a new reality. Fifty years of armed struggle, no winners, no losers. A harmonious balance has been reached and man becomes one organism in the world holding respect for other life forms. Along the salmon spawning route are fish farms that further add to the demise of a major food source. World Wall: A Vision of the Future Without Fear One of the primary goals of the exhibition is to reach the widest possible audience and create an arena for dialogue. Tap the correct answer to proceed. Continue editing:? Flip tiles. Find them as fast as you can.

Community Activities Examples from our community. Unscramble sentences with going to Unjumble by Mgiusto. G3 G4 English Reading Social activities writing.

A cloze activity where you drag and drop words into blank spaces within a text. T riumph of the Hands by Judith F. The End of the Twentieth Century portrays the transition from the crucifixion of the idea of revolution to the citizens prayerfully pleading for better life, happiness, more certainty in the future, peace, charity and compassion as they look to the sky in the twentieth century. Find them as fast as you can. Soviet Union The End of the Twentieth Century by Alexi Begov The End of the Twentieth Century portrays the transition from the crucifixion of the idea of revolution to the citizens prayerfully pleading for better life, happiness, more certainty in the future, peace, charity and compassion as they look to the sky in the twentieth century. Finland Dialogue of Alternatives by Juha Saaski, Sirkka-Liisa Lonka and Aaro Matinlaur Dialogue of Alternatives uses universal symbols to overcome language barriers to create a codified message of alternatives and transition to hope. It occurred to me later that it was not imagining destruction that was so hard to us but rather imagining peace. Tap the matching answer to eliminate it. Match up. Dialogue of Alternatives uses universal symbols to overcome language barriers to create a codified message of alternatives and transition to hope.

2 thoughts on “Worldwall

  1. Willingly I accept. In my opinion, it is an interesting question, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer.

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