world breaker hulk

World breaker hulk

In his time spent on the planet Sakaarthe Hulk had become stronger than ever before and wanted revenge on The Illuminati.

The Hulk is arguably one of Marvel 's most popular characters. Bruce Banner's alter-ego has been smashing since and has played a part in thousands of different storylines in the last 60 years. One of the most interesting and slightly confusing aspects of his character is how many different versions of the Hulk actually exist. The general public may only know the Hulk as "Mark Ruffalo turning into a big, grunting green beast every time he gets angry", but there is a lot more history to him. There is a multitude of "Hulks", but only one can claim to be the strongest of them all. Worldbreaker Hulk is his name.

World breaker hulk

Strength: Following exposure to the warp core on the planet Sakaar, the Hulk's strength increase to its highest-ever level, outmatching the physical power of all of Earth's heroes. Transformation: This incarnation transforms from Banner at will through meditation techniques taught to him by Hiroim. Even though the Hulk takes many forms, one of them definitely is the strongest one there is -- the World-Breaker from World War Hulk. The Hulk was marooned on Sakaar by the Illuminati, where he became a gladiator, emperor and liberator to the people oppressed by the Red King. Hulk usurped the dictator and become their ruler, taking Caiera as his wife. However, when the ship that brought Hulk there exploded, it killed Caiera and their unborn son. Enraged, Hulk absorbed the whole radiation of the planet and also gained the so-called Old Power, powerful energy flowing through Sakaar, and it literally transformed him into a living, breathing cosmic bomb capable of completely destroying entire planets from releasing the huge amounts of gamma energy Writer Greg Pak described the Worldbreaker Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where "Hulk was stronger than any mortal—and most immortals—who ever walked the Earth ". These include a force field that can protect it against attacks from entities of the same power level as the Hulk, and a teleporter. However, his emotional capacity emotional intelligence is significantly reduced, which leads him to be permanently withdrawn.

World Breaker Hulk. At this point, Bruce Banner begins to lose more and more control of Hulk, up until the Dark Dimension, where, as Hulk no world breaker hulk needs to hold back, because the planet he's fighting on is continually reforming, Banner begins to fade away. Miek reminded the Hulk that he was a warrior, not a peacemaker.

Exiled by a group of Marvel "heroes" to the savage alien planet of Sakaar, the Hulk raged, bled, and conquered in the "Planet Hulk" epic, rising from slave to gladiator to king. Strange, Black Bolt - and anyone else who gets in the way! The Hulk may just tear this stupid planet in half! David , Romita. Pak , Frank.

It also ran through several other Marvel comics series. The plot is the culmination of a series of events that began with the Hulk being tricked into space by the Illuminati and a Life Model Decoy of Nick Fury. Planet Hulk shows the Hulk's subsequent exile and his imminent return to Earth to seek revenge on the Illuminati. Marvel followed this with Incredible Hulk vol. He travels to the home of the X-Men , where Professor X , absent from the decision to send the Hulk off-planet, admits he would have agreed with the decision, but also tells him he would not have agreed to permanent exile. The Hulk defeats several teams of X-Men [9] and battles the Juggernaut but leaves after learning of the M-Day incident , believing that Xavier has suffered enough. The Hulk attaches "obedience disks" to the defeated, imprisoned superheroes, preventing them from using their powers. Army force. Following speeches from the Hulk's human supporters, the Hulk arranges for Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Black Bolt, and Mister Fantastic to fight a tentacled alien and later battle each other to the death, as a cheering audience watches. He plans to destroy New York City and leave the Avengers to their shame.

World breaker hulk

The Hulk is arguably one of Marvel 's most popular characters. Bruce Banner's alter-ego has been smashing since and has played a part in thousands of different storylines in the last 60 years. One of the most interesting and slightly confusing aspects of his character is how many different versions of the Hulk actually exist. The general public may only know the Hulk as "Mark Ruffalo turning into a big, grunting green beast every time he gets angry", but there is a lot more history to him. There is a multitude of "Hulks", but only one can claim to be the strongest of them all. Worldbreaker Hulk is his name.

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Strange crushed the Hulk into a building that fell on him and the innocent onlookers who had gathered to watch the fight. However, he wasn't done fighting, because a bigger and much more powerful entity took advantage of the situation and attempted to beat the Green Goliath himself. Incredible Hercules Van Lente , Pham. Within a split second, these beams strike the Hulk who is seemingly disintegrated by the powerful blast of energy. The Hulk returned to Manhattan to complete his ultimatum. In his time spent on the planet Sakaar , the Hulk had become stronger than ever before and wanted revenge on The Illuminati. In other words, by not even moving a muscle, Worldbreaker Hulk is still more powerful than most of his foes. Gamma Bomb released PJ of energy. He lands in Sakaar and The Hulk managed to protect the innocent passers-by.

Strength: Following exposure to the warp core on the planet Sakaar, the Hulk's strength increase to its highest-ever level, outmatching the physical power of all of Earth's heroes. Transformation: This incarnation transforms from Banner at will through meditation techniques taught to him by Hiroim.

Stan Lee John Buscema. Banner absorbed all of Robert Reynolds' energy both the supernatural and scientific essences of his powers and was able to knock out Bob Reynolds. The Hulk's raw strength further extrapolated the power of the previously defeated heroes. Distraught with his actions of killing innocent people, Doctor Strange stopped fighting, and the Hulk indifferently gave Strange a lesson in control and punched him to the ground. This attack destroyed the stadium, so the heroes and the Warbound teamed up to save the civilians still present. Meanwhile, in the Sentry's home, he witnessed the battle on television and left to fight the Hulk, declaring that it was time for him to play God. The series continued the story of Hercules and Amadeus Cho. Besides his extraordinary strength, Hulk possesses incredible resistance. During his wanderings around the world, Banner learned to become a gifted fugitive, able to easily conceal his true identity. Instead of seeking revenge on the Avengers and Earth, he returned to Earth to satisfy his hunger, and in turn, infects the version of the Sentry that was responsible for the outbreak in the first place. Retrieved February 14, When he transforms from puny Banner to Worldbreaker, stone and glass shatter all around him for quite a wide radius. As he walks out of the diner to hitchhike, Cho runs out to tell him that he's no different from everyone else, to have his own demons to deal with.

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