wolffe star wars

Wolffe star wars

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. The leader of wolffe star wars th Battalion 's famed Wolfpack squadCommander Wolffe proved to be tireless in his efforts against the Confederacy of Independent Systemsdisplaying an affinity for strategy.

This article's information is out of date and requires an update to it. Please read the following material with awareness of possible misinformation and old info. Wolfpack th Battalion. He served under Jedi General Plo Koon in the th Battalion 's Wolfpack squad and was one of the most famous clone commanders of all time. Sometime prior to Order 66 he removed his inhibitor chip and along with Rex and Gregor he deserted the Republic army.

Wolffe star wars

He has faced great loss in his time aboard the ironically named flagship The Triumphant, when nearly every clone trooper on the ship was killed by General Grievous, with Wolffe enduring as one of the few survivors. Perhaps for this reason, along with the example of Plo Koon, Wolffe has shown empathy and regard for his subordinates. The bonds between the various members of the Wolfpack and their leader are enduring, cemented amid some of the worst fighting of the Clone Wars. Among his other scars, Commander Wolffe lost his right eye in a clash with Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress, and had it replaced with a cybernetic replacement. Commander Wolffe is noted for being a capable strategist and his abilities reflect this, allowing for close coordination with his soldiers. Additionally, Wolffe can choose to Run and Gun for an additional Dash followed by a focus action to augment his offensive output. This makes them difficult to thwart when closing on their chosen prey, as does Pack Hunter , which augments the melee attacks made by Wolffe or his subordinates so long as another Clone Trooper is engaged with the target. As his tactics suggest, Commander Wolffe is an aggressive combatant who prefers swift and overwhelming assaults, though he advances with due consideration of the disposition of his foes and evaluating how best to dismantle them. His Practical Strategist Stance serves him well, providing strong Ranged and Melee Attack stats, representing his facility to fire deadly shots with his DC Blaster Pistols either at range or when engaged with his foe at point blank. When fighting in close, his Melee Attack Expertise Chart gives a greater chance for Criticals, though both his attack charts provide additional strikes. Wherever Commander Wolffe takes to the field he is likely to be accompanied by his brothers-in-arms among the th Wolfpack, whose loyalty and implacability are well known. This allows them to move swiftly and augment attacks with a focus action as well as to benefit from melee attacking enemies already engaged by other Clone Troopers. Additionally, they can also engage in Coordinated Fire as a Reactive Ability to allow Galactic Republic allies to inflict Strained when firing on foes in their vicinity. This means there are considerable benefits to deploying the Wolfpack with strategic forethought, positioning them carefully on the battlefield to maximize their teamwork.

Wolffe initially distrusted the group, which included the Great Jedi Purge survivor Kanan Jarrus among their number. Koon, realizing the fleet was lost, ordered the evacuation of the Triumphant ' s crew to its escape pods.


To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Wolves were quadrupedal, canine creatures with long bushy tails, short tapered ears , and a pointed muzzle containing sharp teeth. Both the interior of the Mortis monastery and the World Between Worlds depicted a wolf amongst the stars. In the atrium of the Lothal Jedi Temple , there was ancient artwork depicting humanoid lifeforms riding what appeared to be giant wolves. The th Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic was also known as the "Wolf Pack" Battalion, and its members had stylized wolf faces painted on their helmets. A species of wolf, the Loth-wolf , was native to Lothal and it was considered extinct during the Imperial Era. Around 24 ABY , [8] Phasma , along with three Scyre warriors and three stormtroopers , fought a pack of wolves known as skinwolves on the planet Parnassos. Inspired by the film Never Cry Wolf , Filoni noted that wolves are often vilified but also seen as teachers in many folkloric traditions, and saw the duality and representation of wolves in regards to people in the real-world as akin to the nature of the Force in Star Wars. Having conversed with George Lucas , the creator of Star Wars , about his observation, Dave Filoni thought that wolves made an interesting symbol in Star Wars , particularly regarding its Jedi characters.

Wolffe star wars

Caution is advised. Wolffe , formally known as CC , was a clone commander of the Clone Wars and was known for being the commander of Wolfpack and the th Battalion. He was placed under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon. Receiving reports of multiple Republic defeats in which the Separatists left no survivors, the Jedi Council commissioned a fleet led by Plo Koon to counter the threat: a massive warship commanded by General Grievous , the Malevolence. Wolffe served on the bridge of the Triumphant —as the first officer on an out-of-armor duty rotation—as the fleet of three Venator -class Star Destroyers approached the Malevolence over Abregado-rae. Koon decided to report their position before engaging to request reinforcements.

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As Sabine Wren was granted access to the clones' database, she discovered that one of them has alerted the Empire. Even though they had trouble finding the ship due to a huge sandstorm that was raging, the Wolfpack finally found the ship. Among his other scars, Commander Wolffe lost his right eye in a clash with Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress, and had it replaced with a cybernetic replacement. Both Wolffe and Gregor agreed to join them, with Wolffe reasoning that he had followed Jedi into battle before. Sign In Register. He personally oversaw a supply mission to the groundquake -devastated planet Aleen , assisting in liberating Togruta slaves from the Zygerrian Slave Empire on Kadavo , and took part in a mission that recovered the lightsaber of the late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. His Practical Strategist Stance serves him well, providing strong Ranged and Melee Attack stats, representing his facility to fire deadly shots with his DC Blaster Pistols either at range or when engaged with his foe at point blank. Sign In Register. Wolffe lost his right eye during the Battle of Khorm in a fight with Asajj Ventress, leaving him with a large scar and having a cybernetic eye replacement. There they asked them to join them in liberating Lothal from the Empire. Report back to the transport the moment that R2 unit has completed the download.

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During the liberation of Lothal, Wolffe stayed behind at the Lothal rebel base with Mart Mattin and Cikatro Vizago in order to pick up General Syndulla and the other rebels once they had completed their mission to launch and destroy the Dome , the center of Imperial power on Lothal. Don't have an account? There they found the shuttle that belonged to Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. While the Spectres urged the clones to come with them and join the Rebellion, Wolffe and his fellow clones insisted on staying behind to delay the Imperials so that the Ghost crew could escape. Koon reasoned that if they got the power restored they would survive long enough to be found, assuring them that if they worked together they would survive. As his tactics suggest, Commander Wolffe is an aggressive combatant who prefers swift and overwhelming assaults, though he advances with due consideration of the disposition of his foes and evaluating how best to dismantle them. That's why we move on them now, Commander…and Wolfpack leads the hunt. There are no Jedi here! Clone Wiki Explore. On his first mission with Koon, Wolffe served on board the Jedi Master 's flagship , the Triumphant , when Koon led a task force to eliminate the Separatist warship Malevolence. However, a Wookiee relief force aided by bounty hunters rescued Tano and her fellow Jedi friends and brought them back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Whenever it crashed, it wasn't recently.

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