witcher memes

Witcher memes

The writings of Andrzej Sapkowski, about a monster hunter called Geralt Of Rivia, have fascinated readers since the first publications about The Witcher in the 90s. The books and short stories became a staple of Polish fantasy fiction and eventually were the basis of a successful videogame series. After many tried to adapt this work to an audiovisual medium, resulting in mediocre interpretations of the character, Netflix came through in with its own adaption, witcher memes, The Witcher, run by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, witcher memes. The witcher memes has captured fans' imaginations and this has translated into internet memes.

The recent one-two-punch that has been The Witcher 3 and the recent Netflix show has cemented the series as a force to be reckoned with. This once-obscure collection of Polish fantasy novels turned video games has now reached heights of popularity that have Game of Thrones diehards worried as more and more celebrate the Netflix adaptation as one of TV's best. And with popularity comes memes - for better or for worse. Fear not, we have plowed through the landfill that is the internet and have stumbled upon 10 memes that do the series and our favorite witcher Geralt of Rivia justice. We hope you enjoy!

Witcher memes


He doesn't seem witcher memes a king who could ride with an army, witcher memes. This is reflected in Sapkowski's writing, as well in the Witcher videogame series, where the character is interpreted by Doug Cockle and given a touch of Batman.


Netflix's The Witcher has been out for a couple of weeks now and has proven to be rather popular among fans of the franchise. Its release has even led to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt breaking player records , as many watched the show and then returned for another playthrough of CD Projekt Red's title, but that's not the only things its popularity has led to. It has proven to an excellent source for meme material, ranging from the various creatures that Geralt encounters to Geralt himself, from the interactions between Geralt and Jaskier to the beloved "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" Song. The internet took this meme material, as it does, and ran with it, leading to some great The Witcher memes. Here's the 10 best currently circulating the internet.

Witcher memes

It was a long wait, but The Witcher Season 2 has premiered, and fans' enthusiasm for the new episodes has awakened their creativity. Like Geralt slamming down a potion to get to business, fans have already binge-watched the new season and come up with some hysterical memes to mark the return of Geralt, Ciri, Yennefer, Jaskier, and a host of brand new characters. The Continent has been changing since Geralt and Ciri finally reunited and Yennefer ensured a victory for the North against encroaching Nilfgaardian forces at the Battle of Sodden. Taking inspiration from key moments in the series as well as the books and video games upon which it's based, fans have found hilarious ways to celebrate The Witcher's triumphant return. Season 2 finds Geralt traversing the Continent with Ciri in tow, conjuring up an image of a black-leather-pants-clad Ross Gellar embarking on a quest to actualize his New Years Resolution. Fans will recall when Ross found himself in a sticky situation on Friends as he tried to end his romantic dry spell with Elizabeth, resulting in the infamous "Pants Paste" scene for his troubles. Part of the humor of Friends comes from all the characters getting into extremely awkward and embarrassing situations that have arisen from them not being transparent about their needs. Ross should have taken a cue from the Butcher of Blaviken -- don't wear leather you can't get out of!

Totana alacarta

For the fans who are used to the depiction of Foltest in the games, it was kind of jarring to see him as the bumbling fat coward he is in the show. We're just here waiting for the inevitable crossover when Ron and Geralt face-palm simultaneously. In fact, Geralt didn't have a hangover, but was under the influence of one of his potions. It's funny too because Yennefer is the type of person that is so high maintenance that you wouldn't see anyone trying to woo her with her. It's like the arrow in-between the Fedex logo or the "31" in the Baskin Robins sign, the list goes on. Sure this isn't the original version, but as long as you have a Roach on a roof and a disappointed Geralt on the ground we count it. So by extension, Geralt of Rivia is now a beefcake. Geralt himself only got with the witch because he risked his life and was tied together by faith with her. One aspect the show got right from the books was the passionate and dysfunctional relationship between Geralt and Yennefer. This is reflected in Sapkowski's writing, as well in the Witcher videogame series, where the character is interpreted by Doug Cockle and given a touch of Batman. A Shared Universe? But when it comes to all things fantasy there's only one answer that will get you all the street cred with the nerds. Well, Ron probably would never use the word "friend" to describe his relationship between him and Jean-Ralphio. Oviously, female fans don't watch the series just to catch a glimpse of his pecs, but it's a nice bonus.

Since the anticipated adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher fantasy novels premiered on Netflix, the series didn't take long to skyrocket in popularity, with memes following aplenty. Humming Toss a Coin to Your Witcher, rewriting what sylvan Torque said to Geralt and counting all the times the White Wolf said a certain profanity, "hmm" and "destiny" account for just a fraction of memes that the show spawned, and here are some of the best of them. Source: Twitter.

Oviously, female fans don't watch the series just to catch a glimpse of his pecs, but it's a nice bonus. Jaskier known as Dandelion if you play the games is the bard that makes himself famous by telling the stories of Geral through his delightful songs and he is one of the Witcher's best friends. Don't get us wrong, Geralt in the books and video games has some of that old' fashion farmer muscle from all the hands-on work he does. We hope you enjoy! Because of the coronavirus, the production is delayed, so fans won't get to see Geralt until The show has captured fans' imaginations and this has translated into internet memes. The recent one-two-punch that has been The Witcher 3 and the recent Netflix show has cemented the series as a force to be reckoned with. The song, "Oh, Valley Of Plenty" makes it's debut in the second episode and has since become the anthem of Witcher fans across the globe. Ah, there's probably no meme on this list that made us laugh more than this one. In this state, he is able to confront a kikimora and kill it. In fact, Geralt didn't have a hangover, but was under the influence of one of his potions. Fandom is simultaneously a great and terrible thing because as soon as something gets popular it's time to put it in the ring against its contemporaries. Hopefully, we'll see different swords implemented in the future and the usage of runes as well. When The Witcher 3 came out people were putting it up against Skyrim which it's clearly superior to and this is coming from a fan of both.

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