whitechapel sexual health clinic

Whitechapel sexual health clinic

We provide free and confidential Sexual Health services at our centres in the City and across East London. Our sexual health centres are professional, friendly and discreet.

Looking after your sexual health is an important part of your mental and physical health, as well as your social and emotional well-being. Tower Hamlets has a range of sexual health services and support organizations available in the borough. All East provides free and confidential sexual health services at centres across East London. Psychological assessment and therapeutic support for a variety of sexual difficulties for adults attending their service. Pregnancy choices including how to check if you are pregnant, your pregnancy choices for continuing with the pregnancy, adoption, having an abortion. The service works with anyone who lives or studies in Tower Hamlets up to the age of 19 up to 25 if you are in care, have special educational needs or a disability. Sexual health: issues around consent and relationships, contraception, C-card free condoms , testing and treatment for STIs.

Whitechapel sexual health clinic

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! This service was found using the NHS directory of services. Brook is not responsible for keeping this information up-to-date. Whitechapel 0. Distances are calculated in a straight line. The actual distances may vary. New service listings can be added to the NHS database by contacting Serco on serviceupdates serco. Existing listings can be edited via the NHS service finder or by emailing Serco. Once they have been updated, the new information will pull through to our Find A Service tool when we next refresh the connection. Brook believes that everyone should be able to care for their sexual health without barriers to accessing clinical services or fear of stigma. Our friendly staff are here to help you, whatever is going on.

With 15 methods to choose from, you can find one that suits you best. They can help you with:. These include emergency hormonal contraception EHCchlamydia and gonorrhoea testing.

You can access sexual health advice and services from a range of venues and settings. Find your nearest pharmacy. Find a GP. F ind a Sexual Health clinic near you. People living with HIV on treatment can now experience the same life expectancy and health outcomes as those without the virus.

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! This service was found using the NHS directory of services. Brook is not responsible for keeping this information up-to-date. Whitechapel 0. Distances are calculated in a straight line. The actual distances may vary. New service listings can be added to the NHS database by contacting Serco on serviceupdates serco. Existing listings can be edited via the NHS service finder or by emailing Serco.

Whitechapel sexual health clinic

Choose a clinic below, that best suits you. We have a range of clinics in different locations in and around Swindon. For some clinics you need to make an appointment beforehand, whilst others offer a drop-in service, where you just turn up any time during the clinic. We also offer free emergency contraception, condoms and Chlamydia self-test kits from selected local pharmacies. We are a teaching site so there may be a trainee at your appointment. Please inform the clinician if you would prefer the trainee is not present during your consultation. Alternatively, if you have no symptoms, you can order a kit on line from the home page. There is a sexual health clinic at the hospital from 3pm You must call to make an appointment before you attend this clinic. Our phones are very busy but please leave a message with your telephone number and one of our reception team will ring you back as soon as they are able.

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People living with HIV on treatment can now experience the same life expectancy and health outcomes as those without the virus. Find a GP. Search for:. We launched our first all-age services in , but many of our locations remain specifically dedicated to supporting people under I'm not sure what help I need, what should I do? Contraception is free for most people in the UK. Find out more about contraception and what works for you. Occasionally, due to exceptionally high levels of demand, we may have to close the clinic earlier before the closing times. Brook has been operating sexual health services for young people for over 50 years. Testing can prevent you from getting serious health issues such as pelvic inflammatory disease, swollen or painful testicles, arthritis, infertility and even meningitis. You are entitled to: Confidentiality A choice of doctor Free contraception Access to your medical records Make a complaint about a service Read more about your rights when accessing sexual health services. For more information you can call or e-mail talktome positiveeast. Sanghera Towerhamlets.


Overview Services. Help after rape and sexual assault - NHS. Our friendly staff are here to help you, whatever is going on. Tower Hamlets has a range of sexual health services and support organizations available in the borough. Testing can prevent you from getting serious health issues such as pelvic inflammatory disease, swollen or painful testicles, arthritis, infertility and even meningitis. Looking after your sexual health is an important part of your mental and physical health, as well as your social and emotional well-being. There are over 30 pharmacies in Tower Hamlets that are signed up to deliver free sexual health services. Sanghera Towerhamlets. Find your nearest pharmacy. Specialist support Redbridge's specialist Violence Against Women and Girls service This service gives support on all forms of sexual violence and sexual exploitation including support to males. View all ways to get involved Fundraise Donate Corporate Partnerships Volunteering and participation. Has A Service Description? For more information on help after sexual abuse, please see our directory about support services for sexual abuse including online sexual abuse.

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