White pages melb
Due to major building activity, some collections are unavailable.
Post office, telephone and trade directories are useful for confirming when and where a person resided at a particular address or operated a business. They can also help to trace the movement of a person or family. Most directories are arranged alphabetically by surname or business name, however many historical post office directories also include a geographical section, which allows you to search by suburb and street name. Directories usually contain the name and address of the main householder, not all family members. Some historical directories also include the occupation of the householder. Trade directories contain commercial listings and many historical directories include professional listings, the names of government officials and those employed in specific industries such as banking, law, education and ecclesiastical institutions. When using directories it's worth remembering that over time, boundaries may have moved, so make sure you are checking the right suburb listing for a particular era.
White pages melb
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White Pages Australia is a formerly government-owned and now-privatised directory of contact information for people and business entities within Australia. Originally only in the form of a print book delivered to all households for several decades, it now also exists online. It later became known as the Victorian Telephone Exchange Company and remained a private company until , when it was purchased by the Victorian Colonial Government. As a part of Telstra's carrier licence conditions, the White Pages is required to produce an annual alphabetical public number directory. This public number directory is then made available free of charge to all of Telstra's customers and the customers of other carriage service providers. In recent decades, Sensis has received extensive public critique regarding the environmental impact of producing hard copy directories. Federation and Each of the six Australian colonies had their own telephony communications network prior to the Federation of Australia in As part of Federation the Post Master General later to become Australia Post took ownership of the telephone network nationally.
White pages melb
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GMF 98 Boxes 52 — Order a copy through Copies Direct to the extent allowed under fair dealing. Online access available from home. Directories usually contain the name and address of the main householder, not all family members. Street directories Melbourne street directories Includes a range of Moulton's, Morgan's and Collins street directories for Melbourne and suburbs. Ramsay's Melbourne and suburban business and professional directory. A wide range of street directories are held at the State Library. Other access conditions may also apply. Published status: Published. GMF 98 box 42 Ramsay's Melbourne and suburban business and professional directory. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
International telephone directory. Some historical directories also include the occupation of the householder. Most directories are arranged alphabetically by surname or business name, however many historical post office directories also include a geographical section, which allows you to search by suburb and street name. Researching your Victorian ancestors A guide to family history research using the major Victorian resources. Available online via the State Library Victoria website. When using directories it's worth remembering that over time, boundaries may have moved, so make sure you are checking the right suburb listing for a particular era. You may have full rights to copy, or may be able to copy only under some circumstances, for example a portion for research or study. Regional directories -. GMF 98 box 42 Ramsay's Melbourne and suburban business and professional directory. Street directories Melbourne street directories Includes a range of Moulton's, Morgan's and Collins street directories for Melbourne and suburbs. Post office, telephone and trade directories are useful for confirming when and where a person resided at a particular address or operated a business. Directories Post office, telephone and trade directories are useful for confirming when and where a person resided at a particular address or operated a business.
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