which song was number 1 on my birthday

Which song was number 1 on my birthday

Do you like to reminisce? I do from time to time. Mostly I think about the good times over my several decades of being on this planet. I like to think of Classic Rock music being like that.

Want to know what was the number one song in the UK charts on the day you were born or any other birthday or significant event? That's just over 1, per day for the UK and over , every day across the world. You can find out what song was number one in the charts on the day you were born from our annual chart lists above or simply enter your date of birth from the drop down boxes and you'll see every number one for every birthday, all in one place. Select the date you were born Date 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Year All You can either click a year box below to see all the number one songs from that particular year or enter your date of birth in the box above to see a full list of every number one on all your birthdays. The DoB you enter is not stored and is only used to create your own list.

Which song was number 1 on my birthday

Search this site with Google The links above will allow you to discover which songs were number one on any date from - Select the year you want, followed by the month within that year on the next page then you will be able to see which songs were number one for each day of that month in the various countries covered. The data shown represents all the information we currently have available, if you want number ones from before , or for different countries we recommend that you follow the source data links yourself. The issues with defining which charts to use, which entries fall into each chart and how to treat double-A side records made us feel that listing number ones was not a worthwhile effort, however the number of users who request such data has convinced us to offer this set of pages. We quite often get requests to find out which song was number one on a particular day. There are a number of obvious comments:. Given the range of countries that we have gathered information for we can answer some questions about number ones. Looking at the proportion of time that each artist was number one in at least one of our target countries gives yet another measure of the relative success that various acts enjoyed. If we work out what proportion of each decade they spent in the number one song slot we get this listing:. The s and s are biased in two different ways, firstly there are fewer charts so acts are liable to spend less time at number one and secondly the charts that existed were less dynamic so acts spent longer in the top slot. We have assumed these factors just about cancel each other out. Another interesting metric is to look at how long a particular artist managed to remain at number one in at least one of these countries. This shows artists that were globally popular with multiple songs released in quick succession. Here are all the artists that managed at least 75 days of being number one somewhere:.

Search this site with Google The links above will allow you to discover which songs were number one on any date from - Not just when you were born, but also every year after.


The problem was our ninja have to visit several sites such as IMDb and compile all those information manually. Do it twice, still not a problem. But as time goes by it became annoying if you need to do it several times. That is how this website was born — to become a one-stop website where you can find all those information about a specific date. No need to jump to several sites.

Which song was number 1 on my birthday

Joseph Kuria. Each of us has a set of numbers unique to us. These numbers can tell us who we are, where we have been, where we will go, and what we will do in the future.

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Have a look at the year chart. As it explains on the chart listing we don't have any information for Spain between and What song was number 1 on the day I was born in the USA? By the time you are 50 you really ought to be able to follow simple instructions read the page. I was born in Canberra on 27th April Don Morgan Published: June 3, The data shown represents all the information we currently have available, if you want number ones from before , or for different countries we recommend that you follow the source data links yourself. We quite often get requests to find out which song was number one on a particular day. Not so sure about that song defining my life, though. I'm looking for songs from charts around the world please! We don't have any Japanese charts from before Classic Rock Music is timeless. Can anyone help? We have assumed these factors just about cancel each other out.


The issues with defining which charts to use, which entries fall into each chart and how to treat double-A side records made us feel that listing number ones was not a worthwhile effort, however the number of users who request such data has convinced us to offer this set of pages. By following the instructions at the top of this page I can tell you that on the 11th Jul Edith Piaf was number 1 in Germany with "Milord". Since that date is two months in the future the answer is "no one knows". On the day you were born the number one album in Sweden was "Kent Box " by Kent 10 Jun 26 may 26 may Where? I do from time to time. Oh and by the way the film "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" was released that day too 16 Jan No 1 on the 26th feb 13 Jan what u. American Pie ought a be up there somewhere. In US,, UK,,?? There are a number of number 1 lists on Wikipedia, you could start there. I was born in Canberra on 27th April I'm looking for songs from charts around the world please! You can navigate to Nov with the dates at the top of the month pages. If we work out what proportion of each decade they spent in the number one song slot we get this listing:.

1 thoughts on “Which song was number 1 on my birthday

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