Which of the following is the most acidic

Benzyl alcohol. Which of the following has most acidic hydrogen? Which of the following has most acidic proton :.

Important Points. Additional Information. Last updated on Mar 31, In this year's recruitment cycle, a total of vacancies were released. This is a golden opportunity for those candidates who want to get into the teaching profession in the state of Uttar Pradesh. For the upcoming cycle, a total of vacancies are expected.

Which of the following is the most acidic

Get Started. English Hindi. Answer Detailed Solution Below Option 4 :. India's Super Teachers for all govt. Concept: The acidity of compounds: The acidity of compounds is determined by their ability to donate hydrogen ions in solution. The greater the ease of donation or liberation of the hydrogen ions, the stronger is the acid. The acidic proton of the compound is generally attached to an electronegative atom. The strength of the acidity is greatly influenced by the substituents or groups attached. The strength of an acid is measured by its pKa value. Lower the pKa, stronger is the acid.

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If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Donate Log in Sign up Search for courses, skills, and videos. Acids, bases, and pH. Acidity and basicity, proton concentration, the pH scale, and buffers. For instance, have you drunk orange juice or cola? If so, you know some common acidic solutions.

Which of the following is the most acidic

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Explanation: The substituents acting and the acidity order of the compounds are as given below: Molecule Effect of substituients Acidic nature Benzoic acid is acidic in nature as the conjugate base is resonance stabilized. HP Forest Guard. Important Points When it comes to acidity, the stability of the counter-ion is one of the main considerations. Territorial Army. Osteoclasts are associated with which of the following? Least acidic. Odisha Livestock Inspector. More General Science Questions Q1. SSC Havaldar. Karnataka Bank PO. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of boiling point Odisha Panchayat DEO. SSB Constable. How many hydrogen atoms are there in a molecule of methane? Indian Bank Assistant Manager.

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