what is flushed pnr

What is flushed pnr

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What is flushed pnr

Travel Tip. Conf TL. RF Club. PNR Ref. PNR Req. Blank PNRs. FM Alert. FM Approval. Sat Mar 16 IST. Atlas Main Delhi Metro. Quiz Main Quiz Feed. Trips All Trips Today's Departures. General Travel views 0. Entry

Kshitij's YouTube Channel.


Or what do the digits indicate? What is PNR? Or basically why do we even need PNR? I had the same set of questions. I Googled extensively and tried to find the answers. Learnt many new things about the railway reservation system. Read along to boost your knowledge too….

What is flushed pnr

Are you curious to know what is flushed PNR? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about flushed PNR in a very simple explanation. In this blog post, we will explore what a flushed PNR refers to, why it occurs, and how it affects travel arrangements. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind flushed PNR and gain insights into its implications. A flushed PNR refers to a passenger name record that has been deleted or removed from a travel reservation system. When a PNR is flushed, it is no longer retrievable from the system, essentially erasing the associated travel arrangements.

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Shyam Verma's YouTube Channel. It is also helpful to know that once the journey for a particular ticket has passed, the data is removed from the Railway server after a certain duration, and those removed PNRs are referred to as Flush PNRs. Posts Latest Activity. Ravi Raj's YouTube Channel. Red Ratings won't Comment Post Cancel. It is good to know that the PNR number remains online for 5 days after the date of journey and is then stored in the database. You can also find out the booking date since you can guess how many days before travel date one needs to book before travel date. General Travel views 0. Vishwanath Joshi's YouTube Channel. Yash Joshi's YouTube Channel. Book Rail Ticket Forums.

Travel Tip. Conf TL. RF Club.

DJ's YouTube Channel. RF Club. Tags: None. Secondly records are kept only for 1 year maximum. When the journey for a particular ticket is over, the railway server will remove that data after a specific period. Jishnu's YouTube Channel. Help Contact Us Go to top. You may attach Flushed PNR is a term used by the railways. RE: How to verify a ticket whether a person has traveled or not? Prabhat Sharan's YouTube Channel. I'm the HR manager in a company and many employees are submitting fake train journey tickets after the travel date is over.

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