what does nsfw mean

What does nsfw mean

There are many shows on commercial TV that the media now often refer to by their abbreviated forms — something that happens in the online gamer scene, where it probably all started. Read on to learn what NFSW means and what the significance of this abbreviation is for individual social media channels. You may what does nsfw mean already seen this term on social media before.

If you've spent any time on social media or in forums that occasionally feature edgy or explicit content, you've likely encountered the acronym, NSFW, that commonly denotes such material. NSFW stands for "not safe for work. A NSFW tag conveys that, unless you're OK with risking a conversation with the HR department, you should avoid looking at this content on a work computer or in the presence of other people. The NSFW tag began mostly as a reference to warn about sexual content, nudity, or violence, but has evolved to encompass a range of delicate and potentially triggering content for the viewer. NSFW is often attached, in an abundance of caution, to any link or image — even one that's contextually innocent — that might raise eyebrows.

What does nsfw mean

Add to word list Add to word list. Warning: many links in this post are NSFW. Internet, email and texting conventions. See more. Need a translator? Translator tool. Browse NRV. Read More. March 18, To top.

Animated GIFs—both ones tagged as NSFW and not—are routinely used as reactions to posts, and they are tagged and searched specifically for such purposes.

Not safe for work NSFW is Internet slang or shorthand used to mark links to content, videos, or website pages the viewer may not wish to be seen viewing in a public, formal or controlled environment. The marked content may contain graphic violence , pornography , profanity , nudity , slurs or other potentially disturbing subject matter. Environments that may be problematic include workplaces , schools , and family settings. The similar expression not safe for life NSFL is also used, referring to content which is so nauseating or disturbing that it might be emotionally scarring to view. Links marked NSFL may contain fetish pornography , gore or murder.

NSFW is an odd, versatile internet acronym that's found its way into internet articles and social media posts. But what does NSFW mean, where'd it come from, and how do you use it? Don't worrythis article is SFW. The acronym NSFW stands for "not safe for work. Although the word is usually associated with pornography, it's often used as a warning label for violent, foul, offensive, or even politically charged content. Despite its literal meaning not safe for work , the NSFW acronym is used to save you from any kind of public embarrassment or, you know, from traumatizing your kids. You may see it in the title of a YouTube video, in the header of an email, or before an outgoing link on a website or news article. In some cases, NSFW is used to indicate that a webpage may make you uncomfortablethat's how broad of a word we're dealing with.

What does nsfw mean

If you've spent any time on social media or in forums that occasionally feature edgy or explicit content, you've likely encountered the acronym, NSFW, that commonly denotes such material. NSFW stands for "not safe for work. A NSFW tag conveys that, unless you're OK with risking a conversation with the HR department, you should avoid looking at this content on a work computer or in the presence of other people. The NSFW tag began mostly as a reference to warn about sexual content, nudity, or violence, but has evolved to encompass a range of delicate and potentially triggering content for the viewer. NSFW is often attached, in an abundance of caution, to any link or image — even one that's contextually innocent — that might raise eyebrows. For example, a page about cleaning on Reddit might include the NSFW tag to a photo of a dirty toilet.

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Read More. None of these top hits are tagged as hot or sexy. That this attention economy is elaborate, is finely attuned, and operates at expansive scales and speeds is not to say that its principles of circulation and distraction would be entirely novel, or that it was suddenly born around with the coining of the concepts of Web 2. Disgust marks the boundaries of taste, sexual tastes included, and not all bodies have equal position in the dynamics of grossness, fascination, and desirability that it entails. To top. The marked content may contain graphic violence , pornography , profanity , nudity , slurs or other potentially disturbing subject matter. You also likely know that IT managers have to also track your internet activities in certain cases, for example when they receive a security warning. Your feedback will be reviewed. While social media platforms perpetuate the myth that such content may simply arrive on a site and become a hit due to serendipity or other intangible factors, the reality is much more complex and is predicated on a long tradition in American popular culture of capitalizing on media content that degrades and dehumanizes. Moreover, the content spread in social media has grown increasingly and characteristically SFW. But our future relies on you.

Awash with content available at scales too massive for human cognition to fathom, social media revolves around the constant quest of capturing and diverting attention; tracking it through the clicks, likes, shares, and recorded visits; and monetizing it. Jodi Dean argues that the search for affective intensities drives the movements of users across social media platforms in search of both distracting thrills and more lingering attachments. When browsing through Facebook news feeds, trending tweets, or the top images of Imgur, most content flows by with little effect.

The logic is not altogether dissimilar from that of dating apps where the task is to find attractive options after being presented with a contingent mass of available choices by actors such as databases, social networks, likes, preferences, and algorithms. Choose your language. Emma Witman is an Asheville, NC-based freelance journalist with a keen interest in writing about hardware, PC gaming, politics, and personal finance. From the perspective of the platforms in question, content that grabs is valuable in its stickiness that makes users pay attention. There seems notably little place in these tagging practices for sexualized displays of male bodies as objects of desire without them being marked as either gay or creepy. Dismiss without supporting Lit Hub. And because speed in coordination is crucial for success in executing joint strategies, acronyms took hold in the gaming scene where gamers could communicate entire sentences in a matter of letters. Writing on sexuality and disgust, Beverley Skeggs notes that the maintenance of tasteful distance toward sexual excess involves visceral intolerance toward the kinds of tastes than one does not share, as well as tenacious fascination toward that which is being expelled from view. Some examples of NSFL content might be a video where a person's death was captured on film, or an image that's not violent in nature but graphic nonetheless, like medical procedures. Add to word list Add to word list. Internet slang term. Word Lists. While sexualized female bodies become coded as NSFW by virtue of being objects of desire, in gross-out content, male homo sexual bodies become intertwined with concepts of horror and disgust. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Category Portal Wiktionary.

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