what came first harry potter or star wars

What came first harry potter or star wars

When it comes to iconic franchises that have changed multiple media over decades, two of the biggest examples are Star Wars and Harry Potter. On the one hand, one series is a hero's journey through space and time, while the other focuses heavily on the wonder what came first harry potter or star wars magic and how it relates to the modern world. While the two franchises have little to nothing in common on the surface, some believe the two are far from different, with one theorist arguing that Harry Potter is nothing more than a Star Wars rip-off. Explored in a TikTok by vtvalthe short video brings to light an age-old idea that Harry's story and Luke's story share a powerful connection.

Fans of Star Wars are waiting with anticipation for the arrival of the upcoming spin-off, Andor on 21st September , while fans of Harry Potter relished the April release of the film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Secrets of Dumbledore and are eagerly waiting to see what happens next. Needless to say, both of these film series' have achieved long-term success likely due to their universal themes of light and dark, fantasy landscapes, and layered plotlines. Though there are more than 20 years between the release of Star Wars: A New Hope Episode IV and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone , one can't help but notice the similarities between these iconic stories. Similarly, at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone , Harry begins a new journey when his presence is demanded at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. These young, male protagonists bear a lot of similarities in terms of their character and the journeys they take.

What came first harry potter or star wars

Over the years, cinema has been flooded with a number of franchises. Between the never-ending MCU to the James Bond franchise , it would seem that film franchises have picked up a great deal of traction with audiences around the globe, bringing in billions of dollars combined. Aside from the MCU, a few of the most successful franchises are Star Wars and Harry Potter , each of which has more than 10 films and counting, with several spin-offs to boot. Indeed, Star Wars and Harry Potter are two of the highest-grossing movie franchises in cinematic history. Despite the fact that Star Wars began more than four decades ago, Harry Potter was equally successful in the box-office, doing outstanding numbers. While each franchise has its own unique set of characters and storylines, there are a number of areas in each universe that share some striking similarities at their core. Here are some connections between Star Wars and Harry Potter with one in particular that you probably didn't notice, explained. One of the most obvious yet most overlooked connections between Star Wars and Harry Potter is the similarities between the main characters of the story, specifically the connection between Luke and Harry. Both characters are the heroes of their respective stories, who are seemingly orphans and live with their aunt and uncle. On top of this, Luke and Harry also have it revealed to them that, through their parentage, they are exceptional in wizardry and Force-sensitivity. The two go through journeys of self-discovery and build up their power to fulfill their potential, with Luke becoming a Jedi to defeat the Empire and Harry honing his skills as a wizard to take down Lord Voldemort.

There is a specific section in the piece that focuses on horns and flutes in a repetitive pattern. Though there are more than 20 years between the release of Star Wars: A New Hope Episode IV and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoneone can't help but notice the similarities between these iconic stories.

Aside from being extremely popular and wildly profitable, Harry Potter and Star Wars have a lot in common. From their characters and themes to their histories and even specific scenes, the multi-billion-dollar franchises contain as many similarities as they do differences. The book quickly became a series, which spanned seven books in all that were ultimately turned into eight films and further adapted into three spin-off films, video games, and an award-winning play. Since then, there have been more than 10 films, multiple television series, and several book series. The real money maker for the Star Wars franchise is its merchandising, which has earned more than half of its total sales. The Star Wars series is a sci-fi epic that recounts the adventures of people called Jedi, who wield lightsabers and influence a mysterious power called the Force. Harry Potter , on the other hand, is a fantasy series that takes place on Earth and involves an entire spectrum of magical creatures including hippogriffs, basilisks, phoenixes, and dragons.

There is a handful of franchises and properties that help shape the majority of the geekdom side of pop culture zeitgeist as it is in today's digital world, from the likes of Game Of Thrones to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the entire genre of anime. Two of the most significant and prominent examples of this are the fantastic and fantastical franchises of Harry Potter and Star Wars. Both are fantasy films born from the mind of a single person, one more contained on Earth while the other is vast across a different Galaxy , and both have incredible highs and meh lows, and there are various ways in which one is better than the other. While Star Wars kicked off as a singular film from the mind of George Lucas, Harry Potter began as a book series , and one of the most popular book series of all time at that. The books make sure that even if you love the movies but are left wanting more, you can dive in and get far more detail and far more story. Then, if you dislike the films, there are books there to enjoy instead. Star Wars has books for its movies, but most of them are not fully canon, and quite simply are nowhere near as good, except for the Revenge Of The Sith iteration.

What came first harry potter or star wars

Two of the most vast and popular fantasy movie franchises in the world of pop culture are Star Wars and Harry Potter. With twenty-two movies combined, a slew of books, and immense amounts of money between them, they are insanely popular and successful phenomenons. Their success is, of course, not all measured by box office and critics, but also by the fans and how they feel about each of the franchise's entries.

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It usually comes as a nice change of pace from whatever life or death situation our favorite characters are getting themselves into. However, even someone as talented as John Williams occasionally encounters situations involving similar pieces of music. Harry Potter and his friends has gained more experience every time they played their role in the movie. Though the film was good it was very different from the book. Meanwhile, by comparing Ron Weasley to Han Solo, it becomes clear that his romance with Hermione is framed similarly to Han and Leia's with their abrasive introduction, bickering banter and eventual love. There are also the ghosts that roam Hogwarts castle, most notably Nearly Headless Nick. The most obvious difference is the setting, where one takes place on Earth while the other exists in another galaxy. Both worlds also have a method of retrieval for their equipment. Like Star Wars, Harry Potter remains as hyped as when it was released. This major split seems to be between older traditionalist readers who are against the novels, and younger readers that see the books for what they are as entertaining and appropriate for young readers. As a result, critics rushed to get their reviews of the novels out and give their opinion on the novels sweeping the world by storm. The Chosen Ones. As different as they might seem on the surface, both series deal with similar themes and ideas. Ironically, the comparison in that regard is airtight and hard to argue; the only difference is that the prophecy used to introduce Luke didn't come till later.

In today's modern pop culture zeitgeist, franchise properties are dominant worldwide, and many have become phenomenons.

In the video, Hermione Granger and Harry are compared to Luke and Leia due to her personality and the awkward tension between the two. The franchise is set in the U. They should consider making some Harry Potter prequel television shows, perhaps about the founding of Hogwarts or a series focusing on the Marauders which consisted of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Fortunately, the piece of music works well with both scenes, but even well over a decade after, there is still no answer to how this occurred. Ray Bradbury and William Golding have very similar themes in their books. Instead, both franchises represent the continuation of a classic storytelling method and prove that the system still works and thrives. The purpose of creating a movie from a book is mainly to bring the characters to life and make the story more relatable. Luke wanted to leave his life on Tatooine to become a rebel pilot and ended up becoming a Jedi. Fans of Star Wars are waiting with anticipation for the arrival of the upcoming spin-off, Andor on 21st September , while fans of Harry Potter relished the April release of the film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Secrets of Dumbledore and are eagerly waiting to see what happens next. The wand fell from Grindelwald to Dumbledore, then to Draco Malfoy for a time until he was disarmed by Harry Potter who, once Voldermort was defeated, snapped the wand in half.

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