what area code is 0121

What area code is 0121

The area code is a geographic dialling code in the United Kingdom that is used to identify the Birmingham area.

This ATE also serves parts of Sheldon. The first exchange opened in probably at 1 Warwick Road, by it had 33 subscribers. The telephone codes currently used are , , , , , The telephone codes currently used are and This exchange covers Aston and northern parts of the city centre.

What area code is 0121

Please note that an number does not necessarily come from this location, although the majority do. People or businesses based outside of this geographical location may still register numbers. This is often done to give the impression of having a local presence. To get more information on a full number beginning , click here. When calling from a land line, calls to numbers can cost up to 10p per minute, dependent on the time of day, and there is usually also a call set-up fee. When calling from mobile phones, calls to these numbers cost between 10p and 40p per minute. Most land line operators offer inclusive call packages which allow calls free at certain times of the day, or at all times, and most mobile companies include free any-time minutes in the monthly contract payment, or a bundle of minutes for a reduced cost in the form of a top-up credit. View a list of the allocated number ranges for numbers. Have you been called by a number beginning ? Phone numbers beginning are geographic numbers. More on geographic numbers. How to write an telephone number The correct way to write number beginning is in the format xxx xxxx The local number the part of the number after the dialling code is 7 digits long. The cost of calling an number When calling from a land line, calls to numbers can cost up to 10p per minute, dependent on the time of day, and there is usually also a call set-up fee.

Stanhope Eastgate numbers begin 2, 5. Cookie preferences.

Situated in the West Midlands, this industrial powerhouse is home to a network of majestic canals, many of which radiate from Sherborne Wharf and are now lined with trendy cafes and bars. Birmingham was a cauldron for rock music in the s with many of the worlds famous bands playing there and it still has a bustling music scene today. The city boasts a strong service sector that dominates its economy. It also has a major international commercial centre, leading transport networks, excellent retail outlets, events and conference hubs such as the NEC. Birmingham has a high level of entrepreneurial activity as it continues to record the second largest number of new business registered year-on-year, outside of London. Get a Birmingham phone number with a area code to display your local presence and increase your access to the 2. By acquiring a Birmingham number, you have the opportunity to display your presence in the Birmingham area corresponding to the code without having a physical address.

Please note that an number does not necessarily come from this location, although the majority do. People or businesses based outside of this geographical location may still register numbers. This is often done to give the impression of having a local presence. To get more information on a full number beginning , click here. When calling from a land line, calls to numbers can cost up to 10p per minute, dependent on the time of day, and there is usually also a call set-up fee.

What area code is 0121

What is the area code of Birmingham? Are you trying to call someone in Birmingham but forgot the area code? Are you failing at making an international call to someone in Birmingham? You can learn all details about the area code in this guide.


The building is no longer in use. The cost of calling an number When calling from a land line, calls to numbers can cost up to 10p per minute, dependent on the time of day, and there is usually also a call set-up fee. Office of Telecommunications. Reserved previously, corporate numbering and VoIP. Categories : Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom United Kingdom communications-related lists Telephone numbers by country. Archived from the original on 26 July Archived from the original on 28 January This photo shows the original part of the building as it was when it was built in Spilsby numbers begin 2, 5. Newtown numbers begin 5, 6, 8, 9. Aboyne numbers begin 2, 3, 5, 8. Bearwood Telephone Exchange was built in

Use our free UK and international area codes search to find a dialling code for a specific location or to find the location of a dialling code. Please select the number of credits you wish to buy.

Using a local number will maximize your pick-up rate since people are much more likely to answer a number they are familiar with. Alford Aberdeen numbers begin 2, 4, 5, 9. As with many smaller exchanges BT no longer require all the available space. Southampton numbers begin 80, 81, Alford Lincs numbers begin 4, 8, 9. Portsmouth numbers begin 92, 93, The Independent. Local numbers have seven digits. Increase the performance of your local advertising in Birmingham Ringover offers additional benefits when it comes to local advertising. The original exchange for Barnt Green opened in November and by it had 64 subscribers. Cookie preferences. In the following areas, the area code must be included when dialling local numbers. Office of Communication.

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