What are time connectives

What are time connectives? As in the sentence above, time connectives are often used at the beginning of a sentence.

Time connectives are words or phrases which are used to tell a reader WHEN something is happening. They are sometimes called temporal connectives. Connectives can be conjunctions , prepositions or adverbs. Under the new primary curriculum from children learn to refer to connectives using the correct grammatical terms conjunction, preposition and adverb rather than the umbrella term 'connectives'. These connectives often appear at the beginning of a sentence, which may also be the beginning of a paragraph.

What are time connectives


Everything is planned for you. Slough 11 Plus Mock Exam 2.


It can sometimes be difficult to make your stories feel cohesive when you first start writing. There are many different types of connectives to help your child make their writing flow better and feel connected. Without them, sentences can feel disconnected from one another, making the story feel fragmented and lacking flow. This lesson will review when to use connectives and what they are. Connectives are exactly what they sound like: connecting words! They connect words within a sentence or can connect sentences together. They help writing sound complete and flow nicely together. Without them, your writing would feel like a bunch of random sentences put together, with no connection! All three of these types of connectives have different uses. Time connectives help your readers understand the order of events or things.

What are time connectives

Ahoy mateys! Happy days! So first ye turn left at the giant boulder…Next ye go through the rainbow cave, and then ye arrive at the pirate ship where the treasure is! Writing down instructions helps you to organise your thoughts and carry out tasks, step by step and in the right order. Sophie is looking through her telescope. She is searching for treasure.

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Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 4. Lincolnshire 11 Plus Mock Exam 3. Here is an extract from a recount of a child's trip to a museum, which contains time connectives:. Trafford 11 Plus Mock Exam 1. What are time connectives? Find out how your child's teacher will explain the concept of time connectives and ways in which your child will be encouraged to use them to improve their writing. Newstead Wood School Mock Exam 4. South Wilts 11 Plus Mock Exam 2. Another way to help children is by making time connective cards, each time you show a card to your child, ask them to finish the sentence and see if they can create a story. This was done by putting a hook up the person's nose. Year 5 Maths Worksheets. Independent School 11 Plus Mock Exam 2. Wirral 11 Plus Mock Exam 3. Newstead Wood School Mock Exam 2.

What are time connectives?

We have over ten thousand worksheets listed that can be drawn on to focus on any area of primary school development. Independent School 11 Plus Mock Exam 2. Stage 2 Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 1. Stage 2 Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 2. Dorset 11 Plus Mock Exam 2. Newstead Wood School Mock Exam 4. Bucks 11 Plus Mock Exam 4. This is demonstrated below:. Teachers may introduce children to time connectives by pointing them out in the reading they are doing as a class and then discussing why the author used them. Wirral 11 Plus Mock Exam 1. Lancashire 11 Plus Mock Exam 3. For example:. Bucks 11 Plus Mock Exam 3.

3 thoughts on “What are time connectives

  1. I apologise, but, in my opinion, you commit an error. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

  2. I consider, that you commit an error. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.

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