wetter history

Wetter history

How much rain fell over the weekend? What was the temperature over the last few weeks?

On This Day In Weather History - February 26 Local Local residents began digging out from a winter storm which left a two-day total of more than 10 inches. Up until that day Kansas City had received just six inches of snow all winter. National The world record was set for hour rainfall: Please Contact Us. Please try another search. Multiple locations were found.

Wetter history

Order Your Almanac Today! Interested in weather history? Access weather history data for dates going back to ! It's both useful and fun—whether you're planning a trip or just want to know the weather on a special date. The Old Farmer's Almanac weather history tool provides access to weather reports from over 1, weather stations in cities across the United States and Canada, reporting on past temperatures, precipitation, snow, pressure, dew point, and wind speeds. How do you use weather history? There are so many practices uses for business from developing informed business forecasts to understanding road and accident conditions. But also there are personal reasons; for example, knowing about typical weather is helpful for vacation travel, planning an outdoor event or wedding, and planning for outdoor activities such as sailing think wind! Looking forward? See the famous Old Farmer's Almanac long-range weather predictions.

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Order Your Almanac Today! Interested in weather history? Access weather history data for dates going back to ! It's both useful and fun—whether you're planning a trip or just want to know the weather on a special date. The Old Farmer's Almanac weather history tool provides access to weather reports from over 1, weather stations in cities across the United States and Canada, reporting on past temperatures, precipitation, snow, pressure, dew point, and wind speeds. How do you use weather history?

Wetter history

Order Your Almanac Today! Interested in weather history? Access weather history data for dates going back to ! It's both useful and fun—whether you're planning a trip or just want to know the weather on a special date. The Old Farmer's Almanac weather history tool provides access to weather reports from over 1, weather stations in cities across the United States and Canada, reporting on past temperatures, precipitation, snow, pressure, dew point, and wind speeds.

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How do I use the site? During the Winter Olympics in Calgary a record high temperature of 67 F was set. Customize Your Weather. Example Image. Where do these data come from? How much rain fell over the weekend? The world record was set for hour rainfall: Go to the Climate Data Online Search page opens in a new tab. On This Day In Weather History - February 26 Local Local residents began digging out from a winter storm which left a two-day total of more than 10 inches. We value your feedback Help us improve our content Your Email Address.

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You can also find Help links on this page. Usually, just a few minutes later, you'll receive an email stating that your order has been processed. National The world record was set for hour rainfall: Please select one of the following:. Under Select Data Range , click the calendar icon and select dates on the Start and End calendars to reflect your dates of interest. Up until that day Kansas City had received just six inches of snow all winter. Location Help. The action will now move to your email inbox. It's both useful and fun—whether you're planning a trip or just want to know the weather on a special date. Please try another search. Order Your Almanac Today!

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