Weather 15901
Rainfall around 6 mm. Morning clouds followed by afternoon sun.
A steady rain this evening. Showers continuing overnight. Low 43F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.
Weather 15901
Barometer : The lowest temperature reading has been 50 degrees fahrenheit at AM, while the highest temperature is This weather report is valid in zipcodes , , , , , , , and Johnstown, PA Weather. Light Rain. It is 51 degrees fahrenheit, or 11 degrees celsius and feels like 49 degrees fahrenheit. The barometric pressure is The humidity is Wind direction is NorthEast at 6 miles per hour, gusting at 8 mph. The moon phase is a Waning Crescent Moon. The forecast for Afternoon is Mostly cloudy and light rain with winds from the east at 6 mph.
Cloudy, with a low around Heavy Rain Along the Eastern Seaboard; Strong Storms in the South A coastal system moving along the east coast will produce moderate to excessive rainfall today, weather 15901. Wind SSE 10 mph.
Tornado Alley may roar to life as severe weather season ramps up in US. Tumbleweeds invade Utah neighborhoods, reaching up to 10 feet high. Powerful storm threatens severe thunderstorms, drenching rainfall, and California drought-free into following 2 winters of epic storms. Lawsuit blames fallen power pole for starting Smokehouse Creek Fire. Man charged with smuggling greenhouse gases in first ever prosecution.
A developing Gulf Coast storm may bring heavy rain and flooding from the Southern U. More heavy snow is expected to overspread eastern Montana late Saturday, then expand into the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest by Sunday night, producing difficult travel. Toggle navigation. View Location Examples. Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. Please try another search. Multiple locations were found.
Weather 15901
Plentiful sunshine. High 39F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. Clear to partly cloudy. Low 23F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Intervals of clouds and sunshine. High 52F. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Showers early, becoming a steady rain late.
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Low 44F. It is 51 degrees fahrenheit, or 11 degrees celsius and feels like 49 degrees fahrenheit. Wind WNW 22 mph. Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. Moonset pm. Cloudy with showers. Wind SE 6 mph. Elton, PA. Clear skies with a few passing clouds. Winter Weather Weekend rainstorm may end with snow for some in Northeast 39 minutes ago. Johnstown Pennsylvania. The Weather Channel uses data, cookies and other similar technologies on this browser to optimise our website, and to provide you with weather features and deliver non-personalised ads based on the general location of your IP address. Chance of precipitation near percent.
The Weather Channel uses data, cookies and other similar technologies on this browser to optimise our website, and to provide you with weather features and deliver non-personalised ads based on the general location of your IP address. Find out more in our Privacy Policy.
Low 27F. Low 43F. Chevron right. Snow accumulations less than 2 cm. Low 34F. Daily 6 Today. Wind SW 9 mph. Morning clouds followed by afternoon sun. Wind NNE 7 mph. Allergy Outlook See All. Generally clear and windy. Wind SE 9 mph.
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