walter hartwell white

Walter hartwell white

Walter Hartwell " Walt " White Sr. Whitewas an American chemist, school teacher, and major narcotics distributor from Albuquerque, New Mexicowhose drug empire became the largest meth operation in U.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Walter Hartwell White This user has also played as:. Henry "Hank" R.

Walter hartwell white

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! This Villain was Headlined on January, If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Walter Hartwell "Walt" White, Sr. A brilliant but underachieving chemist working as a high school science teacher, Walt is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, which spurs him on to use his chemistry knowledge to cook and sell crystal meth to provide for his family after his imminent death. As the series progresses and he becomes more involved in the drug world, the formerly mild-mannered and unassuming teacher gradually becomes a ruthless criminal driven more by ego and greed than his stated altruistic motives, this way becoming the main villain of the series. An extremely complex character, Walter White evolves throughout the series from a mild-mannered family man into a ruthless drug kingpin. His descent to villainy and the gradual reveal of the darkness that was within him all along over the course of the series has led him to be commonly compared by critics to a number of Shakespeare villains, most prominently Macbeth. In the beginning, after being diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, Walter's stated motivation was to make enough money to leave behind for his family.

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Walter Hartwell White Jr. He has cerebral palsy , as manifested in speech difficulties and impaired motor control, for which he uses crutches. His younger sister is Holly White. Marie assumes that Skyler thinks Walter Jr. Hank brings Walter Jr. He also becomes upset at his father's decision of not choosing chemotherapy.

You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. My Name is Walter Hartwell White Copypasta , also known as the Walter White Confession Copypasta or the Walter White Address Copypasta , refers to a copypasta and meme taken from the confession tape monologue uttered by Breaking Bad character Walter White portrayed by Bryan Cranston in which he falsely incriminates his brother-in-law of murdering him and running a drug empire. Since the mids, the monologue has been used as a copypasta in which people introduce themselves the same way the character did and also use the text to accuse others of plotting against them, with the scene also inspiring fan cams, video captions and other memes. On August 13th, , season five, episode 11 of the drama television series Breaking Bad , entitled "Confessions," premiered. When Hank and his wife play the DVD, however, they find that the "confession" is a ploy to incriminate them for Walter's Crimes. My name is Walter Hartwell White. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead- murdered by my brother-in-law, Hank Schrader.

Walter hartwell white

Breaking Bad is up there with SpongeBob and Family Guy as, quite possibly, the most meme'd television show of all time. Unlike the other two, however, Breaking Bad and its main character Walter White a. Also known more simply as the Walter White Copypasta or, in the context of the show, known as Walter White's Confession, the character's speech was utterly serious, but in the memes that have since used it, it's been nothing but silly.

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They implore him to consult specialists and undergo chemotherapy. Following this, Skyler asks Walt to move back into the house. Rose then asks Elliott and Gretchen about their association with Walt, and they both falsely claim that Walt's contributions were only for the Gray Matter name Gretchen and Elliot are truly only doing this to protect their company's reputation and do not want to be associated with a meth kingpin. Walter White : You're goddamn right. Wynne High School to meet with Walt and become his and Jesse's lawyer, despite Mike warning him that Walt and Jesse are more trouble than they're worth to get involved with. Walt walks up to Jack after Todd is killed, pointing a gun at him as Jack tries to get him to stop, picking up his cigarette and smoking one last time. Walt rushes to Saul and gets the number of a man who'll help him and his family "disappear"; he tells Saul to tip off the DEA about a hit on Hank. Walt knows he saw him, he says, because he put a bug on Jesse's car that showed he was at Gus' house. Walt picks up the keys to the car wash from Bogdan, who tells him he must be a "tough" boss; Walt, seething, refuses to let Bogdan take his framed first dollar from the business. Jesse directs Badger to the correct bench and Jimmy's arrest goes down as planned. August Thrax OJ. However, he was emotionally abusive and manipulative towards his family and had a complicated relationship with Jesse.

Walter Hartwell White Sr. Walter was a skilled chemist and co-founder of a technology firm before he accepted a buy-out from his partners. While his partners became billionaires, Walter became a frustrated high-school chemistry teacher in Albuquerque , barely making ends meet with his family: his wife Skyler Anna Gunn and son Walter Jr.

They deliver the promised amount of meth to Tuco, but during the transaction, Tuco's associate No-Doze makes a seemingly innocuous comment, prompting Tuco to beat him until he is bloody and unconscious. I am an admin of this site. The extractor's red van arrives at a vacuum shop. Clocks gun Why? Jesse, furious at Walt's distrust, throws the bug at him, cutting his forehead open. Wynne as well. Walt smugly accepts his partnership. When Hank questions how much he knows Walt, Walt tells him to "tread lightly". March Lord Voldemort. Do you know how much I make a year? Hank's pursuit of the case is renewed, and he expresses his puzzlement at finding a Los Pollos Hermanos napkin in Gale's belongings, as he was a vegan. February 17, Having gotten away from Tuco, Walt and Jesse now have to get home and explain where they have been. Retrieved July 26, I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it.

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