venom girl

Venom girl

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She is also the mother of codex. Anne Weying was the wife of Eddie Brock, but divorced him due to his obsession with the vigilante Spider-Man. She would become terrified of the symbiote Venom girl, and later bonded with it to protect Eddie from criminals, venom girl.

She is the ex-wife of Eddie Brock. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, and she is also colloquially referred to as the Bride of Venom. She was created by writer Larry Hama and artist Greg Luzniak. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, preceding Patricia Robertson. Anne Weying was a successful lawyer , and Eddie Brock 's ex-wife. In her first appearance, she is a brunette with glasses.

Venom girl


Heroes Wiki Explore. Fantasy Sci-fi. Symbiote family and hosts.


She is the ex-wife of Eddie Brock. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, and she is also colloquially referred to as the Bride of Venom. She was created by writer Larry Hama and artist Greg Luzniak. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, preceding Patricia Robertson. Anne Weying was a successful lawyer , and Eddie Brock 's ex-wife. In her first appearance, she is a brunette with glasses. In later appearances, she loses the glasses and goes blonde. Weying assisted Spider-Man by sharing some of Eddie's history.

Venom girl

The first trailer for the upcoming movie also offers a look at Frances Louise Barrison a. Shriek Naomie Harris , who is also incarcerated at the Ravencroft mental institution , and is a longtime ally and lover of Carnage in Marvel Comics. Kasady is known in the comics as the original and main host body for Carnage , a symbiote child that Venom gave birth to and casually abandoned while Eddie Brock was in prison, and which subsequently bonded with Kasady.

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She instead committed suicide, after which Carl raised Dylan. This article is about She-Venom. Retrieved September 26, Gwen Stacy. It'a constant struggle for control, and--and it is so convincing! Toggle limited content width. Anne Weying was the wife of Eddie Brock, but divorced him due to his obsession with the vigilante Spider-Man. She gave into the symbiote bloodlusts, slaughtering the criminals despite Eddie's protest, but she came back to her senses after Venom returned to Eddie. Oh my God! Sign in to edit. Has that thing turned you into a killer? Weying is later incarcerated by the police on a false charge unrelated to Anne's previous rampage in order to trap Venom. Archived from the original on September 26, Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Character pop Converting comics character infoboxes All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from October

We knew that Michelle Lee was going to be play "Donna Diego" in the film, but up until this trailer, we did not know that she would also merge with a symbiote. In Lethal Protector , the Life Foundation forced Venom to "spawn" out five more symbiotes that the Foundation then bonded with humans to form five more symbiote hybrids. The first and most famous of these new hybrids was Scream.

View history Talk 0. Sign In Register. Fantasy Sci-fi. Marvel Comics. Archived from the original on September 26, Retrieved Fictional character. The other has its own will! Anne transformed into She-Venom, stopping thugs from killing Eddie who had entered the old bomb shelter. Article Talk. Retrieved September 26, Television Spider-Man Spider-Man. She refused, as she didn't want to turn into a monster like Eddie, but the symbiote bonded with the both of them. The two eventually married, with Anne becoming a successful lawyer, as Eddie became a journalist for The Daily Bugle. Anne bonded with the symbiote again, but Eddie called Venom back as they could bond via their minds.

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