vba save workbook

Vba save workbook

And in that macro, you need to specify the workbook that you want to save and then use the SAVE method, vba save workbook. In this tutorial, we will look at different ways that we can use to save a workbook.

This code saves the workbook that contains the VBA macro code when you run it. It does so by using the ThisWorkbook. To save a workbook that is not the current workbook, we must specify the name of the workbook. Save method is then applied to save that specific workbook. Note: The target workbook must be open for this code to work.

Vba save workbook

VBA code to save the Active Workbook example code will help us to save the active excel workbook. We can use Save method of Workbook to save the file. And this code should work for all the version of Microsoft Excel , Excel , Excel , and Excel We are using the Save method of the Excel Workbook object. Save will save the currently active Excel Workbook. And ThisWorkbook. Save will save the workbook which we have written our VBA code. And we can set the workbook to any object and we can save it using WorkbookObject. Save method as shown below:. Dim awb As Workbook. We are saving the workbook using workbook object which we have created above and Save method of the workbook. Like this we can assign any workbook to an object. This code will save the Active Workbook which we have currently activated. We are using Save method of the workbook to save the excel file.

Vba save workbook you use the ActiveWorkbook as the workbook, VBA always refers to the workbook which is active despite in which file you are writing the code. This is useful if you need to save your Excel data in a format that can be easily imported into other software. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published, vba save workbook.

You can use the following syntax in VBA to save and close a workbook:. This particular macro will save the most recent changes to the currently active workbook and then close it. The Filename statement specifies the location to save the workbook. The following example shows how to use this syntax in practice. Once we run this macro, the most recent changes are saved and the workbook is automatically closed. I can then navigate to the Desktop on my computer and find the Excel workbook saved:. The workbook has been saved under the name MyExcelFile.

Within a workbook, you have different objects such as worksheets , chart sheets, cells and ranges , chart objects, shapes, etc. With VBA, you can do a lot of stuff with a workbook object — such as open a specific workbook, save and close workbooks, create new workbooks, change the workbook properties, etc. In this section, I will cover the different ways to refer to a workbook along with some example codes. If you have the exact name of the workbook that you want to refer to, you can use the name in the code. If you have two workbooks open, and you want to activate the workbook with the name — Examples. Note that you need to use the file name along with the extension if the file has been saved. If you want to activate a workbook and select a specific cell in a worksheet in that workbook, you need to give the entire address of the cell including the Workbook and the Worksheet name. The above code first activates Sheet1 in the Examples. However, in some cases, you do need to specify the workbook to make sure the code works more on this in the ThisWorkbook section.

Vba save workbook

This code saves the workbook that contains the VBA macro code when you run it. It does so by using the ThisWorkbook. To save a workbook that is not the current workbook, we must specify the name of the workbook. Save method is then applied to save that specific workbook.

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Also, ensure the specified directory exists to prevent any errors. The following example shows how to use this syntax in practice. Keep in mind that if a file with the same name already exists in the directory, this operation will overwrite that file without asking for confirmation. Note : You can find the complete documentation for the Workbook. Now seamlessly manage your projects, tasks, meetings, presentations, teams, customers, stakeholders and time. Sometimes, you may want to save a workbook with a timestamp. Related Tutorials. In this tutorial, we will look at different ways that we can use to save a workbook. I can then navigate to the Desktop on my computer and find the Excel workbook saved: The workbook has been saved under the name MyExcelFile. You can see in the following code where you have the which saves the active workbook. A new workbook is created and stored in the NewWorkbook variable. This code saves the workbook that contains the VBA macro code when you run it. Note that the workbook will be saved in the default Excel format in the directory where the original workbook resides, unless you specify a different path or format. SaveAs to save the workbook, specifying both the Filename and FileFormat parameters.

And in that macro, you need to specify the workbook that you want to save and then use the SAVE method. In this tutorial, we will look at different ways that we can use to save a workbook. So make sure to open the VBA editor from the developer tab to use the code you have in this tutorial.

This understanding is crucial if you need to create custom mappings or work with complex XML structures. Effortlessly Manage Your Projects and Resources. This tutorial covered seven different scenarios for saving workbooks using VBA. If the XML Map is not found, a message box will pop-up to inform you. And this code should work for all the version of Microsoft Excel , Excel , Excel , and Excel Otherwise, the workbook will be saved as an XML file in the specified directory. Save As a File on the Current Location. Hide Developer Tab in Excel Ribbon. This is useful for isolating a worksheet and saving it separately without affecting the original workbook. It first declares a Workbook object variable, wb. Also, ensure the directory exists to avoid errors.

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