vatican news pope francis

Vatican news pope francis

Five years ago this week, Pope Francis convened an unprecedented summit of bishops from around the world to impress on them that clergy sexual abuse was a global problem and that they needed to do something about it. Nathalie Becquart brings listeners inside the Vatican's synod office to discuss how the synodal process is creating "a new style of leadership" for the Catholic Church, vatican news pope francis.

By Courtney Mares. The cancellation comes after Pope Francis concluded a five-day Lenten retreat at his Vatican residence. Read more. By Matthew Santucci. The two former religious sisters detailed the tactics the former Jesuit allegedly used to manipulate them. The theme for the fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will be celebrated on July 28, has During his Feb.

Vatican news pope francis


By Joshua J.


The flight arrived a few minutes early at Figo Maduro air base in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon at about 10 AM local time. After the papal plane took off, the Holy Father joked with journalists saying he would return from the Journey "more youthful. Upon the Holy Father landing in Lisbon, he will be received by a welcoming ceremony. Following lunch, the Pope has two appointments before returning to the Apostolic Nunciature this evening where he will reside during his Portuguese stay. At p. At the completion of this Journey on Sunday, marking the Pope Francis' second visit to Portugal since the start of his pontificate, he will have visited 60 countries since the start of his pontificate, given that Portugal was already included in this count after his May visit for the centenary of the apparitions in Fatima. For the second time as Pope, the Holy Father on Saturday will visit the Marian pilgrimage site, the destination of millions of pilgrims every year. On that occasion, the Pope prayed for an end to the wars "lacerating" the world.

Vatican news pope francis

The reform, therefore, comes the framework of the numerous reforms carried out during these ten years of the pontificate. The Law, in fact, "assumes and completes" the regulatory updates already issued and the institutional profiles made operational in the State with the reform of the Law on the sources of law, of the Law on the Governance of Vatican City State, and of the Law that regulates the judicial system. The State's jurisdiction over extra-territorial areas, or rather "the exercise of any consequent power over the territory, defined by the Lateran Treaty, and in buildings and areas where State or Holy See institutions operate and personal and functional guarantees and immunities are in force under international law" is confirmed as well. The Pope also confirms the legislative function of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, until now composed of a Cardinal President who is also the President of the Governorate and other cardinals. With the new Fundamental Law - and this is one of the novelties - this will not be the case: in addition to the cardinals, the Commission will also include "other members" appointed by the Pope for a five-year term. Therefore, laymen and laywomen will also be able to take part. Another important novelty concerns more stringent and detailed regulations regarding the provisional and final budget that is deliberated annually by the Pontifical Commission, "in conformity with the rules of accounting" and "with acts that have the force of law". The Commission deliberates the three-year financial plan submitting "these acts directly to the approval of the Supreme Pontiff". The budget must ensure "the balance" of income and expenditure" and be inspired by the "principles of clarity, transparency and fairness". Thank you for reading our article.

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On Sunday, Feb. Pope and Argentine president, unexpectedly, appear to have hit it off. Feb 13, CPAC speakers stress the role of faith in healing from sex trafficking. Pope: During Lent, leave appearances aside and listen to God. Feb 12, Blessed Thomas Maria Fusco Today's readings. Pope Francis erects new diocese, names bishop in West African country of Guinea. The cancellation comes after Pope Francis concluded a five-day Lenten retreat at his Vatican residence. Israel complains after Vatican denounces 'carnage' and disproportionate response in Gaza Laziness is a symptom of 'acedia,' a dangerous vice, pope says Pope Francis headed to Venice for a visit to a women's prison. Despite their rocky start, Argentina's President Javier Milei and Pope Francis appeared to have hit it off as they held their first meeting Feb.

Whoopi uttered these words as she contemplated a photo of beekeepers and their swarm — part of an exhibition curated by Lia and Marianna Beltrami which she visited after having been received by the Pope on Thursday. Whoopi Goldberg says she has waited almost eleven years to meet the Pope. The drama told by the photos displayed in the Holy See Press Office is one that Pope Francis has dedicated so much of his pontificate to: "to the lack of love and the need for it" and to the importance of fighting for inclusion and preservation.

The cancellation comes after Pope Francis concluded a five-day Lenten retreat at his Vatican residence. By Tyler Arnold. Here's what he wants you to know. By Walter Sanchez Silva. Pope and Argentine president, unexpectedly, appear to have hit it off. Feb Chicago chef shares 'Recipe for Change' with pope. Feb 13, Don't reduce women's role in church to question of ministry, pope says. All forms of clerical abuse begin with a priest thinking he is better than others and somehow over them, Pope Francis said. The theme for the fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will be celebrated on July 28, has Feb 12, By Walter Sanchez Silva. In his Angelus address, the pope asked people to reflect on what they have done to help the sick and Israel complains after Vatican denounces 'carnage' and disproportionate response in Gaza Laziness is a symptom of 'acedia,' a dangerous vice, pope says Pope Francis headed to Venice for a visit to a women's prison.

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