unique superhero powers

Unique superhero powers

The Avengers would have never formed, Bowser would go undefeated, and Heroes would have been a soap opera.

When fans think of superpowers, they usually think of the awesome ones. Superman can fly and has laser vision; Hulk has superhuman strength and is virtually indestructible; Aquaman can control and manipulate the ocean and speak to the animals. But are all superhero powers this awesome? There are many superheroes with powers that are truly out of this world. Whether it is the ability to produce acidic vomit at will, eat any and everything possible, or become an incredibly obese individual with super strength, these powers are truly outlandish. And while it's hard to think of a practical way to use them in battle, these heroes excel at it. This hero had the ability to remove his arms to be used as weapons.

Unique superhero powers

The majority of comic book fans have a few superpowers they'd love to have. Everyone can find practical uses for super strength and speed. Flight and invisibility are two of the most popular superpowers mentioned in conversations about desired abilities. Writers also favor certain power sets, whether because they work well for story purposes or they just look cool on the page. Some superpowers don't get the same love. Maybe they're not as cool, not as easy to work into a story, don't display well in a comic book format, or are not as useful. Popular characters from Marvel and DC Comics like Cyborg, Black Canary, and even Squirrel Girl utilize overlooked and unique powers that deserve more attention in mainstream stories. Updated on July 31st, , by Mayra Garcia : Comics feature thousands of different types of superpowers, but some of these are way more popular than others, like super strength or flight. Sadly, most of the cool, unique superpowers that fall into obscurity are also incredible. Marvel and DC should consider bringing some of these underrated superpowers back. A lot of superheroes rely on technology instead of having actual powers. Technology can also enhance the powers they already possess. With so many of them turning to tech, it's surprising that it isn't as frequently utilized as a part of a character's power set. This is a unique power, but it's very useful. Being able to manipulate machinery seems incredibly useful for heroes and villains alike.

The memory of an elephant? They'll likely know your feelings better than you do. You can take it.

Everyone would love to have a superpower, but, given the choice, most would likely opt for more conventional abilities such as super strength or super speed. The more daring might select an overpowered superhero ability like omniscience or immortality, but very few would opt for anything as weird as liquid transmutation or technomancy. Yet, the broad pantheon of superhero lore more often than not features individuals with less-than-conventional powers. From the ability to speak with the dead, to the ability to control the weather, most heroes wield abilities that are only situationally useful. These weird superpowers may not get as much praise, but history has shown their value.

When it comes to fictional superheroes, most characters have superpowers we'd all love to try on for size. Flying, teleportation, and super-strength establish popular heroes as enviable beings we'd love to emulate. But for every comic book titan with conventional powers, there's a lesser-known hero with abilities that are just plain weird. Comics have been around for decades, giving writers plenty of time to brainstorm obscure powers - and equally strange characters to possess them. These weird superpowers, however, aren't necessarily useless. While the characters may be limited as crime-fighters, failing to reach the lofty status of Superman and other A-listers, their powers may serve a different purpose. Will they take down the villain plotting to end the world? Probably not. But can their powers make their everyday lives a whole lot easier?

Unique superhero powers

Superheroes have changed how modern pop culture thinks about superpowers , after countless stories of gods, titans, and heroes shaping the world from ancient civilization. Comics, TV, and movies have explored and deconstructed extraordinary abilities ad nauseam, but fans still love fantasizing about wielding incredible superpowers like flight or telepathy. Of course, the best superpowers in comics and movies are the ones that help superheroes win battles and save lives.

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Self-healing, superhuman strength, and pain resistance are just some of the bodily changes that may occur. More importantly, you'd be an enormous asset to your superhero team; think of it like learning a new program inside of the Matrix. Regardless, comic artists still creatively represent the ripples as sound waves travel through the air to showcase their unique ability. Some might see eternal life as a curse, but being immortal could be a great gift to humanity. Sadly, most of the cool, unique superpowers that fall into obscurity are also incredible. Popular characters from Marvel and DC Comics like Cyborg, Black Canary, and even Squirrel Girl utilize overlooked and unique powers that deserve more attention in mainstream stories. Take a look at our list of superpowers and the brave heroes or wicked villains who use them for some ideas! Control Machines. Not a bad ability to have if you're going to be engaging in a lot of close quarters combat, particularly with sharp weapons involved. Being able to adapt according to the situation would be incredibly useful and is definitely a cool power to have, but there aren't many comic characters who can do it. Leave the technopath at home and just eat the bombs. From turning a cityscape into an urban jungle to creating the perfect bouquet of flowers for your significant other, control of plants is defintely a super power to wish for. He could transform his eyes, so he could see in the dark or even make his skin fireproof.

The Avengers would have never formed, Bowser would go undefeated, and Heroes would have been a soap opera. Even though we normal folk will never have them, we can't help but wonder which would be the coolest to haveā€¦.

Then shapeshifting is for you. They look like they hurt like heck when coming out, for one thing, but more to the point they simply look more ferocious. Darkness Dimension. New species of sea creatures! When called upon, the item will appear, removing the hassle of spending half an hour to find it. Some superpowers don't get the same love. Who's going to mess with a guy that has a battalion of grizzlies? A very convenient ability to have if you're going up against the likes of Wolverine or RoboCop, the manipulation over metals and magnetic fields is quite a force to be reckoned with considering how the Earth works. If someone picks a fight, a hero may choose to increase their weight to become a concrete force, or perhaps they can become so light that incoming attacks go straight through them. Before you go seeking the truth that's out there, be sure you're ready to know. It comes in handy. With so many of them turning to tech, it's surprising that it isn't as frequently utilized as a part of a character's power set.

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