unifi release notes

Unifi release notes

This is a list of UniFi Network Application release notes, stretching back to version 6. They are in reverse chronological order, with the most recent on top. This unifi release notes mainly shows official, stable, public releases. There are a few exceptions where the full change log is only shown on a related release candidate or beta version.

What's New. Start for free. All templates. See the release notes. The UniFi product line encompasses a diverse array of networking devices, and to facilitate the search for updates related to a particular device, they adopt an incredibly utilitarian and pragmatic approach for their unifi release notes. The Unifi release notes foster a strong sense of community by displaying the number of views, encouraging user interaction through following and commenting on updates.

Unifi release notes

Originally Posted : April 24th, They have released a lot of software and some new hardware. A lot of the updates are positive, but minor. The biggest story has been the saga of UniFi OS version 3. This is my attempt to step back up and reflect on UniFi OS 3. The release of UniFi OS 3. They were stuck on UniFi OS 1. There were technical reasons for this, but they often got lost in the discussion. This took time to get right and test, but the delay inspired paranoia for some owners of UDM and UDM-Pros, who thought they were going to be stuck on the older software. After the first early access releases of 3. I believe Ubiquiti did the right thing and that the majority of users were happy to see them taking their time to get it right, but it was a lot of unnecessary noise. For context, here is a chronological look at the timeline of official UniFi software releases. I broke them up into two charts to make them a little easier to read. With all the changes and new products, Ubiquiti maintained a fairly consistent pace of major official releases every few months. Early access and other releases are not included.

Hide and auto-configure Data Retention for Statistics.


This is a list of UniFi Network Application release notes, stretching back to version 6. They are in reverse chronological order, with the most recent on top. This list mainly shows official, stable, public releases. There are a few exceptions where the full change log is only shown on a related release candidate or beta version. Those are included for completeness. Hopefully this make the change logs easier to find, scroll, and search through. As always, visit the official Ubiquiti forum community. UniFi Network Application 8. Adds the ability to NAT traffic to a pool of addresses on specific networks.

Unifi release notes

Please search the Software Releases page on the community for current release information. Note that access to beta release information requires that you join the Early Access program. The following are some community announcements related to older devices that might require staying with older controller releases. List of Consolidated Changelogs. We have created an API Documentation page with consolidated community knowledge about the API , since Ubiquiti doesn't provide this information themselves. There is a link to a basic shell API client that Ubiquiti does provide with each controller release. There are also several API clients that have been released by the community.

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Facebook is dropping support for it. Add informative tooltips in WiFi Settings. Fix visual style in client property panel Overview section. Improve Device details panel. Fix scrolling in Property panel in Beta Clients page. Fixed the inability to adjust Port Settings when a device had an invalid channel configuration. Add option to bulk-update UniFi Devices. Update the device manage section UX. At the time of posting this, UniFi Network 7. Fixed an issue that allowed configuring IPv6 settings for L3 networks. Latency Test A new option found in the client-side panel that tests the latency by pinging from the UniFi gateway to the client. Pragmatic Approach Unify's release notes are all about getting to the point.

Originally Posted : April 24th, They have released a lot of software and some new hardware.

Use Network name for auto defined port profiles. Increased default network limit to Insights - View and compare statistics between ports on the same device. Fix width for columns in network table. Always show unit for real-time throughput on Dashboard. Resolve the 'Module "base-unifi" is not available! Improve Device details panel. Fix issue where default port profiles were not read-only. Do not allow changing timezone, hostname and controller name on UniFi OS. Fix issue where wired clients do not show IP address. Show correct version in device identification. Clean up daily DPI statistics based on statistics data retention setting. Display gateway information for sites that have gateways on self-installs. Rename Client Groups to Bandwidth Profiles.

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