U6 pro factory reset

Getting an access point back to its factory default state can be useful for a fresh setup, or even for a device that was previously managed or configured. If you already have access to the device from the software, then the first two steps will work. U6 pro factory reset not, then the last resort is to reset it on the physical device, using the reset button.

This way all the existing configuration of the access point is removed, allowing you to adopt the AP to your controller. Now there are a couple of ways to reset the UniFi Access Point. We can use the physical reset button, reset the access point from the controller, or use SSH to connect to the device directly. If you can access the reset button of the UniFi AP, then this is the best way to factory reset the access point. The button has two functions on the UniFi access point:.

U6 pro factory reset


Reset on physical device.


Getting an access point back to its factory default state can be useful for a fresh setup, or even for a device that was previously managed or configured. If you already have access to the device from the software, then the first two steps will work. If not, then the last resort is to reset it on the physical device, using the reset button. The UniFi AP will then begin the process of going back to factory settings, delete itself from the UniFi Controller and be ready to be set up again. Once logged in, issue the following command and then hit enter. Once done, the AP will reboot and then go back to factory default settings. Once completed, it'll be ready to set up again.

U6 pro factory reset

This way all the existing configuration of the access point is removed, allowing you to adopt the AP to your controller. Now there are a couple of ways to reset the UniFi Access Point. We can use the physical reset button, reset the access point from the controller, or use SSH to connect to the device directly. If you can access the reset button of the UniFi AP, then this is the best way to factory reset the access point. The button has two functions on the UniFi access point:. Watch the video below for the instructions or continue reading:. It will not show up in your controller as an adaptable device. This problem can be caused by two potential issues:. We can solve both problems easily with the help of SSH, which I will explain later in the article.

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Are you sure your press the button hard and long enough? I am having a terrible time. Finally, click on 'Confirm'. Now there are a couple of ways to reset the UniFi Access Point. If you already have access to the device from the software, then the first two steps will work. The tool is free and really easy to use. A possible issue can be that the Access Point was connected to another controller or that the device was removed from this controller. Are you sure that you hold the reset button for at least 5 seconds? Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I have noticed that this seems to be model-specific. Anders kan je nog even de Unifi App proberen op je mobiel.

Although this information is available on the Ubiquiti official help pages, we thought we would post some information here for any customers browsing our website.

Check out this post if you want to know more about how to set up an Unifi Access point and some tips for the best performance. Please help me. But they allow me to keep writing content like this. Next, select the device you wish to remove. No not really. So, if I reset my Unify router to factory setting, would it be possible to use it with other network provider, e. First, log into your UniFi Controller and go to the 'Devices' section. Thanks for this information. Type the command Info and press enter. Alvast bedankt. I hope this post helped you to reset Unifi AP to its factory defaults and then you can adapt it again in your controller. I am having a terrible time. Getting an access point back to its factory default state can be useful for a fresh setup, or even for a device that was previously managed or configured.

3 thoughts on “U6 pro factory reset

  1. Willingly I accept. In my opinion, it is an interesting question, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.

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