Turn actors amc

Sign In. Series Directed by Jeremy Webb Abraham Woodhull 40 episodes, Seth Numrich

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Turn actors amc

The story covers events from to and features a farmer from Setauket, New York , and his childhood friends. They form an unlikely group of spies called the Culper Ring , which eventually helps to turn the tide during the American Revolutionary War. The first episode opens with the following introductory text:. Autumn Insurgents have declared war against the Crown. Following a successful naval landing, His Majesty's Army has forced Washington's rebels into the wilderness. New York City serves as military base of operations for the British. The Loyalists of nearby Long Island keep vigilant watch out for sympathizers and spies. Turn: Washington's Spies was renewed for a second episode season on June 23, , [8] which premiered on April 13, , [9] and for a third episode season on July 15, , which premiered on April 25, The first season of Turn: Washington's Spies received mixed reviews. The site's consensus reads, " Turn ' s uneven treatment of the American Revolution is more frustrating than exciting and memorable. The second season received positive reviews. The website's critics consensus reads: "The revolution gains steam in an improved second season that delivers on the series' promise of espionage thrills along with an expanded historical grandeur.

Sailor 1 episode, Henry Dawkins 1 episode, Aidan Fiske Lol Crawley "Pilot" Marvin V.

They are grouped by loyalties and roughly in order of first rank. Turn Wiki Explore. Turn: Origins Rivals. Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4. Explore Wikis Community Central.

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Turn actors amc

A Long Island farmer bands together a group of childhood friends to form an unlikely group of spies who turn the tide in America's fight for independence. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Drama History War. Creator Craig Silverstein.

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Redcoat 1 episode, Max Curnin Cyrus 1 episode, Kevin O'Donnell Gary Fleder. Teleplay 2 Episodes , Writer 8 Episodes. Ramsey 1 episode, Vince Eisenson April 6, — August 12, Philly Boy 2 1 episode, Voltaire Colin Council Writer 3 Episodes. Key Alive. DVDs Release Dates. Adam Davidson. Tate 1 episode, Don Puglisi Checkpoint Redcoat 1 episode, Edit page Add episode. Retrieved March 22,

That would be a sin to do this birthplace-of-America story in Canada.

Lady Montague 1 episode, Corporal Eastin 10 episodes, Mary Woodhull 40 Episodes United States. Retrieved September 11, Ian Kahn. This section needs additional citations for verification. Idara Victor Abigail. Jeremiah Scroggins 2 episodes, Redcoat Fencer 1 uncredited 1 episode, General O'Hara 1 episode, Don Stephenson

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