Trickle across theory fashion examples

Following my earlier exploration of trend movement I decided to look at the trickle-across theory.

Theories of fashion adoption or distribution are concerned with how fashion moves through the various socioeconomic levels of society. There are three primary theories of fashion adoption: trickle-down, trickle-across and trickle-up. However, no one theory is adequate to discuss fashion theory or explain how fashion moves through society. The Trickle-Up theory involved innovation or a particular style or fashion that begins on the streets, worn by lower income groups and is picked up by designers and then upper-class spheres whom then purchase the designs. A classic and much often discussed example of this trickle-up effect is the T-shirt. Trickle-up fashion trend is based on styles seen in the streets it is sometimes also referred to as the bubble-up pattern.

Trickle across theory fashion examples

Use limited data to select advertising. Create profiles for personalised advertising. Use profiles to select personalised advertising. Create profiles to personalise content. Use profiles to select personalised content. Measure advertising performance. Measure content performance. Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources. Develop and improve services. Use limited data to select content. List of Partners vendors. The trickle-down effect, in marketing, refers to the phenomenon of fashion trends flowing from upper class to lower class in society.

Historically the leader has been influential in some desirable way and possible leaders include athletes, movie stars, royalty, presidents, or fashion models.

Fashion involves change, novelty, and the context of time, place, and wearer. Blumer describes fashion influence as a process of "collective selection" whereby the formation of taste derives from a group of people responding collectively to the zeitgeist or "spirit of the times. Central to any definition of fashion is the relationship between the designed product and how it is distributed and consumed. The study of fashion in the twentieth century has been framed in terms of a fashion systems model with a distinct center from which innovations and modifications radiate outward Davis Designers work from the premise of one look, one image for all, with rules about hem lengths and what to wear with what.

Fashion refers to the idea of what is popular or on trend. One can also think about fashion as what is in flux in a particular time and place. Fashion undergoes a process of dynamic change : within a fashion system, there is a continuous change in what is on trend, or in fashion, over time. It can be extremely difficult to trace the origins of a particular fashion trend such as a motif, design, or silhouette Reilly, The miniskirt is an example of a fashion trend that is thought to have developed in one place and time, yet various scholars provide conflicting evidence for some of these claimed origins. However, according to Ford , the miniskirt developed out of Tanzania. Haya Rinoth, a South African fashion designer, argued in Drum magazine that this new style developed in Africa, not the United Kingdom, as history had recorded. This example highlights some of the social justice issues or the Eurocentric power imbalance in history, where European history often is prioritized Pokhrel, Fashion is not just a set of trends but a social process , a way of behaving that a discernable proportion of a social group temporarily adopts and which is perceived to be socially appropriate for a time and situation.

Trickle across theory fashion examples

As referenced by Atik and Firat, scholars have long recognized fashion as a phenomenon affecting many aspects of our lives. What is more interesting, is the process of diffusion within fashion that impacts the behaviours of clothing brands around the world. Diffusion in the world of fashion has existed for the past few decades, and the role that it plays has amassed an immeasurable impact within the industry at large. The study of diffusion, in general, explores the individual decision-making that leads people to become similar to their neighbours. To apply this macro concept to the fashion industry, Atik and Firat define the three main theories of fashion trend diffusion: trickle-up, trickle-down, and trickle across. Examples of this through history can be seen through Afro-American culture spreading in American society through music jazz, blues , fashion print fabrics and hairstyles as well as dance. The theory argues that the dominant majority has always borrowed cultural artifacts from the minorities, no matter the status. The same idea can be applied to the fashion industry. With the rise of young internet influencers, the industry is seeing more economical options for individual style expressions — with one of the biggest ones being thrifting. Shopping for and wearing second-hand pieces have started with consumers in a lower-class due to their decreased disposable income, and has slowly trickled its way up as a trend for those in the higher-class as well.

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In the s the number of women who adopted pantsuits encouraged the trend to more casual dressing. That is, specific fashion trends and looks start from lower-income groups, or the "streets," and then work their way up through the hierarchy of society. Acceptance of separates and the growth of leisure was accompanied by a profound change, reflecting the restructuring of consumer societies and an increase in non-work lifestyles Craik, p. Fashion theorists believe that fashion is a reflection of social, economic, political, and cultural changes, but also that fashion expresses modernity and symbolizes the spirit of the times Lehmann, ; Blumer ; Laver McCracken, G. Eijkelboom has spent the past 22 years of his life capturing people all over the globe, from New York, Amsterdam and Shanghai to name but a few places. How one dresses for work and play has changed over time. In this way the couturier walks a fine line between artist and industrialist Baudot, p. Following my earlier exploration of trend movement I decided to look at the trickle-across theory. Simmel, G.

Fashion theories indicates the process of fashion ideas. The theories explain the fashion trend. It also tells about how fashion moves from one stage to other stage.

In some societies where traditional styles of dress were prevalent, the men were quick to adopt Western business suits. The trickle-down effect in advertising works under the assumption that social classes are influenced by the higher social classes. Moreover, in the present world, trickle-across is more prevalent. Simmel explained this dual tendency of conformity and individuality, reasoning that the individual found pleasure in dressing for self-expression, but at the same time gained support from dressing similarly to others. Streetstyle: From Sidewalk to Catwalk. Baudot, F. Key Takeaways The trickle-down effect is a term used in marketing and advertising. Previous Post Previous post: Fashion Philosophy. Such behavior leads to greater innovation and accelerated change. There are three primary theories of fashion adoption: trickle-down, trickle-across and trickle-up. Geum, K.

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